Tag: book marketing

Is Marketing Harder Than Writing?
I used to think writing a book was the hard part. I was wrong. Getting your book read is the hard part. I’d tinkered with short stories and penned a few poems over the years, and there was no denying my love of the written word but the thought of writing an actual book – […]

Top 3 Truths About Book Marketing
Would you rather help 10 women change their lives or sell 1,000,000 copies? Honest reader feedback is the most precious thing an author could wish for. In the world where you can pretty easily buy and swap reviews, people reading your book and telling you it has had an impact on their lives make all […]

Why Am I Terrified To Launch A Book?
When I hear people say “no one is talking because they’re all glued to their smartphones and computers” I totally disagree. In the world I live in I’m connecting with more and more and more people globally and IRL (In Real Life for those that don’t know). I’ve been at yoga workshops and had people […]

The Third Stage of Writing: The Promotional Stuff
Sometimes as writers we need to push ourselves to do things we don’t necessarily feel comfortable with. I’m not talking about the content or the writing process here, but the stuff that comes after publication. The promotional side of things. Like a lot of writers, I am fairly introverted and a fairly private person. So […]

Marketing your Novel: Prepare in Advance!
When you’re constantly receiving rejection letters from publishers or agents, the last thing you’re probably thinking about is publicizing a novel you can’t even seem to sell. Before I continue, let me stop a moment and give this very loud and clear disclosure: nothing, nothing, NOTHING, matters more than writing a killer book. Spend 99 […]
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