Author Archive: Susanne Dunlap

Launching New Ventures In A Pandemic
Launching new ventures in a pandemic—or how I found a way to expand my world when everything else was contracting. 2020 has certainly been a year of changes. We all saw our worlds turn inward and shrink down to their merest essence as we have huddled in our homes and stayed away from friends and […]

Pandemic Writing Lessons
There’s no other way to say it: these weeks since the COVID-19 pandemic broke out have been extraordinary. Unprecedented. I’m not even sure the English language has an adequate adjective to describe this time. Possibly German does, with its magnificent ability to combine disparate words into one powerhouse concept. But I’m left with my own […]

Seven Things I’ve Learned In My First Six Months Of Being A Full-Time Writer
I’ve been a writer for a long time. I tried to write novels on and off in my twenties, and returned to it when I discovered the joys of writing historical fiction in my forties. I was fortunate to have six historical novels published by the big 5 from 2005-2012. When my publishing career went […]

When A Story Just Won’t Let Go Of You
Or how I claimed a place for a story no one thought would ever sell I’m not entirely certain where the stories I write come from. I know they’re often inspired by research I’ve done long ago or more recently—something I’ve read, a historical figure I’ve never known about, a chance encounter with an image […]
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