Comments on: Making Time for Writing Thu, 09 Jul 2015 13:46:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jane Wilson-Howarth Thu, 09 Jul 2015 13:46:30 +0000 In reply to Mare.

I think I consider myself a Real Writer, even if that’s not the job that pays the bills. I’m sure a lot of us write in fits and starts, depending on levels of distraction and windows of inspiration, and surely few writers really think there is only one way to write or one rhythm to writing.
I think the opening of Penelope Lively’s “Judgement Day” captures the fine balance many of us navigate in order to fulfil our commitments and also make a little time for what we really want to do.
Take heart, Mare, your seat-of-the-pants life will provide rich pickings for inspired writing – some time.

By: Mare Tue, 07 Jul 2015 18:03:32 +0000 Judy, thank you for your honesty and humor. I’m so grateful to read that someone else took years to put out their first book-length piece because you have other pulls on your time that you value as well. I have a child w/ several chronic health issues that sometimes manifest in a chaotic crisis. I’ve been fortunate to have produced some short theaters works, and published one short piece, but choosing writing time over other time is challenging when it’s all valuable to me. I get a bit worn out hearing the “writers write” mantra and “do it every day if you’re a real writer”. I’m married and a mother every day, and I just barely show up for those things some days, you know what I mean? I would like the Real Writers to give us all a break already. I do not have control over my time, and I’m fine with that until I read how one more writer says I’m not doing it right. I’m doing just fine, and so are you. 🙂

By: Jane Wilson-Howarth Thu, 11 Jun 2015 17:22:51 +0000 Thanks Judy – especially for suggesting the subject originally. Isn’t this community of women writers just wonderful!

By: judy pollard smith Thu, 11 Jun 2015 11:30:47 +0000 This is a most engaging account of trying to be a good mom,a good daughter, a good writer and a good Physician all at once.
This article highlights how it is for most women who must ‘squeeze’ the hours to find time/space to write.
Thanks for this, Jane Wilson-Howarth. You’ve opened a Pandora’s Box. This might start a new thread of articles as to how it is for other women who struggle to find time for their craft. Well said!
