Comments on: 16 Things Sexist Male Writers Say to Female Writers Wed, 19 Oct 2016 19:13:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Charlotte69 Wed, 19 Oct 2016 19:13:58 +0000 I once had a man get in touch with me via Facebook and out of the blue begin giving me writing advice – right down to how I should approach writing a sex scene. Assuming he must be a professional writer, I asked him how many books he’d published. The answer, of course, was none. Not one byline anywhere. Yet he felt perfectly qualified telling someone who’d been a professional writer for more than 15 years how to write.

By: Stephen H Foster Wed, 19 Oct 2016 00:00:02 +0000 Many of the items are so weird, but I can’t honestly say I disbelieve any of them.

By: Karen Hill Sat, 16 Apr 2016 16:00:07 +0000 He was hitting on you. That’s how little boys tell you they like you.

By: Bec Sun, 06 Mar 2016 21:22:16 +0000 Good heavens,
If you have had those things said to you then American men must be pathetic creatures who are not worth your time.
I can honestly say I have never met a man who talks down like that .

By: phill Syron-jones Wed, 13 Jan 2016 12:15:53 +0000 As a male writer I am proud to say I have lots of female writing friends. Yes I feel threatened by them because they are all fantastic writers, and I am just starting out. This gentlemen(loose term of the word used)is obviously a very funny bloke in his own mind. By the sounds of things he is frightened about his own inadequacies. Don’t let it get to you, because by the look of things you have plenty of friends out there.

By: Kirtida Gautam Sat, 28 Nov 2015 10:13:51 +0000 Thanks to my first novel #IAm16ICanRape: The War AGAINST Rape Culture, I have heard weirder and angrier comments. The worst was, “Look at the title of your book, how disgusting you must be as a person.”

By: Gill James Wed, 28 Oct 2015 09:45:59 +0000 Goodness. How awful. Fortunately I know many male writers who are not like that at all.

By: Nyla Nox Sun, 09 Aug 2015 03:20:16 +0000 Thank you for speaking out! I’ve had many similar, and worse experiences. In London, I left several so-called ‘writers’ groups’ in tears because the men who dominated these groups used them mainly to attack and publicly dismember women’s writing.
Of course, not all male writers are like this, but it takes courage to speak out. Thank you!

By: LuAnn Braley Mon, 03 Aug 2015 12:27:15 +0000 Oh. My. Goddess.

By: Terry Tyler Mon, 03 Aug 2015 07:37:56 +0000 Really???????? I’m so glad I live in England, and not Virginia! The only remotely sexist things I’ve come across is one man thinking that ‘chick lit’ meant all books by women, and men presuming that because I am female and have long blonde hair that I write romance. I hope you didn’t even bother to answer these guys but just showed them your right hook/blocked them!
