Author Interviewing Characters Lyn Liao Butler interviews Angela from RED THREAD OF FATE

February 9, 2022 | By | Reply More

Author Interviewing Characters

Lyn Liao Butler interviews Angela from RED THREAD OF FATE

In the wake of a tragedy and fueled by guilt from a secret she’s kept for years, a woman discovers how delicate the thread that binds family is in this powerful novel by Lyn Liao Butler.

Two days before Tam and Tony Kwan receive their letter of acceptance for the son they are adopting from China, Tony and his estranged cousin Mia are killed unexpectedly in an accident. A shell-shocked Tam learns she is named the guardian to Mia’s five-year-old daughter, Angela. With no other family around, Tam has no choice but to agree to take in the girl she hasn’t seen since the child was an infant.

Overwhelmed by her life suddenly being upended, Tam must also decide if she will complete the adoption on her own and bring home the son waiting for her in a Chinese orphanage. But when a long-concealed secret comes to light just as she and Angela start to bond, their fragile family is threatened. As Tam begins to unravel the events of Tony and Mia’s past in China, she discovers the true meaning of love and the threads that bind her to the family she is fated to have.

Lynn interviews Angela

Lyn: I know your world has been upended recently. Your mother passed away in an accident and you’ve come to live with your Aunt Tam?

Angela: Yes, and this is Stella. We ‘dopted her. (points to miniature dachshund next to her) 

Lyn: Hi, Stella. 

Stella: Barks

Lyn: And you’re four years old, Angela?

Angela: No, I’m five. I just turned five. (holds up five fingers) Mama and Uncle Tony died when a drinks truck hit them. Uncle Tony is Tam’s husband. Or was, cause he’s not here anymore, just like my Mama. My mama’s name was Mia.

Lyn: Drinks truck? Oh, you mean like a beverage delivery truck?

Angela: I guess? Isn’t Stella cute?

Lyn: So cute.

Angela: Tam didn’t want to ‘dopt her at first. I help Bee out with all her fosters. I didn’t get attached to any of them. Only Stella. Bee said I’m really good with dachshunds.

Lyn: Bee is your neighbor?

Angela: Yes. She lets me play with the wieners whenever I want. And I help her socialize them too. 

Lyn: So how did you get Tam to change her mind about adopting Stella?

Angela: Cause I got mad at her for going out with Marcus. I was still so sad about losing my Mama.

Lyn: Who’s Marcus? And I’m sorry about your Mama.

Angela: (shrugs) Some guy. Don’t like him. (glowers) But I love Dr. Adam. Do you know Dr. Adam?

Lyn: (shakes head) He’s a friend of Tam’s right? They do yoga together or something?

Angela: And mine! (puts hands on hips) He’s my friend too. And he’s going to be Charlie and me’s doctor. I love Dr. Adam. He’s so nice. He helped clean up my lip when I fell and split it open. 

Lyn: He sounds like a great doctor.

Angela: Did you know I have to get shots to go to China?

Lyn: Oh, shots! I don’t like them.

Angela: I’m very brave. I’m not scared. Dr. Adam said it won’t really hurt. Just sting a little.

Lyn: I’m sure you are. And you’re going to China to get Charlie? Charlie is the little boy Tam is adopting from a Chinese orphanage?

Angela: Yes. (nods emphatically). And me. I’m going to ‘dopt Charlie too. Me and Charlie both don’t have a mommy or daddy anymore. So Tam is going to ‘dopt us, just like we ‘dopted Stella and we’re going to make our own family.

Lyn: That’s so nice. 

Angela: It is. But I wish my Mama and Uncle Tony were still alive and then we could all be one big family.

Lyn: (clears throat and mutters under breath, well that would be awkward, since Tony is married to Tam, and you’re Tony and Mia’s daughter) So, how are you doing with Tam?

Angela: I’m supposed to call her Auntie Tam. That’s what Tam’s mom, my Ah-Ma says. But Tam says to just call her Tam. What do you think?

Lyn: Hm. I guess just call her what you want? But are you doing okay with Auntie Tam?

Angela: Is she your auntie too?

Lyn: No…never mind. 

Angela: I can’t wait to go to China to meet my new brother Charlie.

Lyn: Ah, yes. So, you’re excited about Charlie coming to live with you?

Angela: No one should have to live in an ‘rphanage. I would have, if Tam hadn’t gotten me.

Lyn: I’m sure you wouldn’t have gone to an ‘rphange, I mean orphanage. 

Angela: Did you know that I lived with Jenny Ayi when Mama first died? She’s my best friend Lily’s mom. They lived downstairs from us. Lily and I used to play together in the store when Mama and Jenny Ayi painted people’s nails and rubbed their backs. Do you know people yell really bad words when they go in the back room to have their privates cleaned up?

Lyn: (stifles a laugh) You mean the nail salon that Jenny owned?

Angela: Yes. I miss Lily since I came to live with Tam. But now I have Stella.

Lyn: I’m glad you have a dog. But back to Charlie. How do you feel about him?

Angela: We’re going to ‘dopt him, just like we ‘dopted Stella. But Tam said I don’t have to change poopy diapers.

Lyn: But isn’t Charlie three and a half? Is he still in diapers?

Angela: (shrugs) Dunno. I hope he likes dogs. Cause I love Stella.

Lyn: Well, I can’t wait to see how things go when you and Tam go to China. 

Angela: We’re going to see my Nai Nai too. That means my father’s mother. Do you know that Uncle Tony is my father? It’s a secret, but I know you won’t tell anyone, right?

Lyn: I promise not to tell.

Angela: Okay, good, cause Uncle Tony was married to Tam but grownups sometimes do bad things and he and Mama made me.

Lyn: (tries to keep a straight face) Okay, well, thank you for talking to me today, as you’re getting ready to go to China. I can’t wait see how things go with Charlie.

Angela: Me neither. Say bye to Stella!

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Lyn Liao Butler was born in Taiwan and moved to the States when she was seven. In her past and present lives, she has been: a concert pianist, a professional ballet and modern dancer, a fitness studio owner, a personal trainer and instructor, an RYT-200 hour yoga instructor, a purse designer with an Etsy shop and most recently, author of multi-cultural women’s fiction. Lyn did not have a Tiger Mom. She came about her over-achieving all on her own.

When she is not torturing clients or talking to imaginary characters, Lyn enjoys spending time with her FDNY husband, their son (the happiest little boy in the world), two stubborn dachshunds, and trying crazy yoga poses on a stand-up paddleboard. So far, she has not fallen into the water yet.

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