Comments on: Review Envy: How Many Amazon Reviews Do You Have? Sat, 01 Jan 2022 20:36:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jacquie Herz Sat, 01 Jan 2022 20:36:13 +0000 Hi Denise, I so agree with you! I check my numbers all the time! And other writers’ too! I think it’s important to know where and how you fit in–in everything in life–otherwise, how do you know to grow? My novel, Circumference of Silence, came out this past July and has 247 ratings, as of this minute! I think that’s pretty good, but I wish I understood more about the ratings and that more clout would be given to the reviews than just the stars by themselves.

Thanks for your article! And I wish us both good luck with our books!

