Comments on: A Mom’s Life: Writing With Kids Thu, 22 Sep 2011 03:37:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: Melissa Rohwedder Thu, 22 Sep 2011 03:37:37 +0000 Not surprised this struck a note with so many women writers. Seems like I’ve been writing forever. Big life changes put my writing on hold. At 50, I work as a copywriter full time and have a 4 year old at home. I struggle every day to make time to write. Like many of you, late night seems the only time available to claim as my own. When that time comes, I feel spent and uninspired. With such limited time to spend with my husband and my son, I feel guilty stealing time to write. Not sure there is any easy answer, except to make it happen. In any case, this post and all your comments remind me that it can be done. Thanks for the encouragement.

By: Alison Wells Thu, 01 Sep 2011 19:07:57 +0000 I’m a mum of four kids now between 10 and 3. I did begin to write in earnest after I gave up work when my first child was born and managed to write two novels in that time (practice ones). But it’s really only in the last couple of years that I’ve really got going. I progressed in the short story area, which is more feasible with shorter timespans and headspace and I managed to get shortlisted & start building on that. I also get up early (when possible) and have used Nanowrimo as a motivational month to get some serious wordcount for novels. My blog is focussed on this whole issue of headspace and writing with kids & I’ve interviewed a lot of mother writers who’ve made breakthroughs. It’s difficult, slow and guilt always features but never impossible and always worth it to keep at it, even just a little at a time.

By: IncidentalDomestic Sun, 14 Aug 2011 23:20:52 +0000 I totally understand your struggle. I am a work-at-home mom with three, ages 2, 6 and 10. When we moved to Georgia six years ago I was eight months pregnant with my second, and I really wanted to use the opportunity to work from home, cultivating my creative firm and home schooling my children, because I was going to be Super Mom. (The thought of not working 60-80 hours per week at an office somewhere was completely intoxicating and I had a PLAN!)

Ahh, well. Here I am six years later, having homeschooled for a grand total of only three weeks, survived a year-long bout with post partum depression, and moved a totally new business, I do believe it’s fair to say my “PLAN” radically changed.

I’ve learned I just kind of have to go with the flow and grab time to write on the fly as time allows (completely against my inner anal, structured nature), and I am experiencing some serious personal growth as I attempt to balance everything in my own very domestically challenged way.

I think it’s great that you’ve established a schedule for yourself to write. Kudos!! I don’t think I’m quite there yet, unfortunately. I feel when all three are in school, I will have more time to write and work during daylight hours, but I remember thinking the same thing when I was excited about working from home, because I would have SO MUCH MORE TIME to do the things I wanted to do with the kids and my business. Well. *giggle* You know how that goes.

Did you finish your draft?

-Jennifer P.


By: Adrienne Thompson Sun, 12 Jun 2011 14:22:45 +0000 , I totally understand. When I rediscovered my love for writing, I was the divorced mom of one child in college, a very busy high-schooler, an elementary schooler. They are three very different children and they still needed my attention. They were very accustomed to getting my attention. I also worked full-time as a nurse as I still do. The road has become a little easier, but playing so many roles is still difficult. But living my dream of becoming a published author is well worth it. I love your post!]]> Although my kids are far from their terrible fives ☺, I totally understand. When I rediscovered my love for writing, I was the divorced mom of one child in college, a very busy high-schooler, an elementary schooler. They are three very different children and they still needed my attention. They were very accustomed to getting my attention. I also worked full-time as a nurse as I still do. The road has become a little easier, but playing so many roles is still difficult. But living my dream of becoming a published author is well worth it. I love your post!

By: Stacy Green Mon, 23 May 2011 10:50:03 +0000 It absolutely is. That’s been the best thing about taking on the social media challenge – the support group it creates!

By: Zvezdana Mon, 23 May 2011 07:20:54 +0000 I know what you mean about not being able to go like you used to. It gets harder and drives me crazy…so much to do, so little time and too many aches and other pains. Comforting to know we are not alone:)

By: Stacy Green Thu, 19 May 2011 21:56:04 +0000 Zvezdana,
Thank you for your comment. I can’t imagine trying to find time among four kids. Bravo to you. And yes, I’m sure you’re just as stressed having them out there in the real world as at home. I dread that day.

I need to get used to the quiet of the night and becoming sleep deprived, lol. I can’t seem to go like I used to!

By: Zvezdana Thu, 19 May 2011 20:03:38 +0000 Hi Stacy,
I had to comment on your post because it is a subject close to my heart. Being a mother of four, ages 21 to 9 I still find it hard to get the ‘perfect’ time to write. Even when they leave the family home for college or other reasons they keep us worried and involved in their many life dramas and challenges.
The quiet of the deep night does the trick for me. Of course I have been sleep deprived for the last two decades LOL but it has been worth it.Don’t give up…keep writing:)

By: Stacy Green Wed, 18 May 2011 20:52:34 +0000 Janine
Sounds like you have a great system and a lot of drive. I’m one of those “mood” writers, and I tend to struggle when there’s a lot of chaos, but I’m learning to get better at it. Writing when the little ones are asleep is essential.

And isn’t it funny how certain smells or sounds can get the creative juices flowing? I read a comment by a writer once who said she it a specific candle every time she sat down to write, and that helped her to focus and have a productive writing session.


Thanks for the comment, and good luck!

By: Janine Tweedie Wed, 18 May 2011 19:23:27 +0000 I do my best to snatch every writing moment I can in between working full time, looking after my two year old daughter and sleeping. I am lucky to have a wonderful husband that does the majority of the household jobs.

I tend to write in the evenings when little one is fast asleep and at weekends when she has an afternoon nap. I also write when I’m cooking Sunday lunch, the smell of delicious food must get my creative juices flowing.

I aim to get the first draft of my sci-fi novel finished by the end of August, tiredness permitting.
