Author Archive: Stacy Green
Growing up in small town Iowa, Stacy had big dreams of writing the next great American novel. But the stellar idea never came, and she shelved her lists of stories for journalism school.
While attending Drake University and earning her bachelor's in Journalism and Mass Communications, Stacy served as assistant editor for the inaugural 515 Magazine, a publication created for the city of Des Moines. The magazine is now a staple of Drake's School of Journalism and continues to receive accolades. After graduation in 1999, Stacy worked as a reporter for a small community newspaper and then moved onto advertising.
But the dream of writing was never completely squashed. For years, Stacy read voraciously, all the while fine tuning ideas in her head she would one day love to put on paper. A fan of psychological thrillers and crime fiction, Stacy takes a keen interest in criminology and criminal profiling.
Following the birth of her daughter in 2005 - her miracle child - Stacy chose to stay at home with her. After years of being caught up in her career, the writing itch kicked in again. She began dabbling and eventually wrote a drama/romance. Realizing the first story was way too long and already plotting a second, Stacy dove into her current WIP, a suspense thriller set in Las Vegas.
Since diving into the book headfirst last fall, she's learned much about the writing process and the path to publication. Social media has become a part of her daily life, and she enjoys communicating with fellow authors as they too, strive to reach their dreams.
Her writing blog, Turning The Page, focuses on all aspects of writing, telling the journey from an aspiring writer's point of view while throwing in the occasional crazy tale about her now five-year-old daughter, Grace.
Stacy's love of all things crime fiction and her continued effort to learn about the writing craft has helped her created a thrilling story with a deliciously frightening antagonist and a tough heroine she hopes will entrall readers.

A Mom’s Life: Writing With Kids
Novel writer Stacy Green found us on Twitter. We’re delighted to have her post about being a mother and writing. It’s something so many of us have to learn to balance. Stacy asks a very important question at the end here. Leave a comment with your experience. After not writing for several years, I took […]
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