Comments on: Poet On Gendercide – 100 Million Girls Mon, 03 Sep 2012 19:59:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sheree Fri, 22 Jun 2012 04:37:42 +0000 In reply to Katrina.

Hi Katrina,
Thank you so much for you support and interest. I have linked to your It’s a Girl trailer on my blog. It is powerful and just what is needed to let people see and hear form themselves what is going on. The filming is extraordinary. I do hope we can stay in touch and share information. The more of us speaking, the better. Keep up the good work!

By: Katrina Thu, 21 Jun 2012 19:27:07 +0000 Hi Sheree,
Thank you so much for raising awareness of this scandalous atrocity.
We, just like you found that it was hard to find groups and organizations addressing the issue of killing baby girls after birth. This is why we decided to create a documentary called ‘It’s a Girl’, solely dedicated to explaining and fighting against gendercide. We’re releasing the feature-length documentary this September 2012 through screenings worldwide. You can go to to find out more!

By: Sheree Thu, 21 Jun 2012 03:20:59 +0000 In reply to Women Writers, Women’s Books.

Thank you so much for your interest, Anora! Shining a light on the tragic situation of baby girls around the world can’t hurt and just might be the spark that enlightens all of us to really thinking about the value of girls here, there and everywhere. I haven’t heard about the villages with no women. I would like to know more about that. I have heard of villages with a lack of marriageable women. Is that what you are referring to? Thanks again for giving me this incredible opportunity.

By: Women Writers, Women's Books Sat, 16 Jun 2012 20:23:14 +0000 Sheree, thank you so much for taking the time you did to answer our questions. Congratulations on launching Poet on Poetry to such widespread interest. That’s not easy. It was just a few months ago when I first learned about the missing girls (and female babies)that are unaccounted for, and that there a villages in India with no females at all. That you’ve taken on to collect interest and communicate news about the killing of baby girls after birth is admirable. As you say there doesn’t seem to be one central gathering point for this cultural behavior, even if there are reports and concerns expressed by a number of international organizations. It takes building support in numbers to get people’s attention. I hope by publishing your interviews here, we will help grow that support. – Anora
