Category: Women Writing Fiction

You Have Your Story, Find Your Voice
Have you had an experience so profound you just had to share it with others? Has a single event, or series of events over time inspired you to take what you’ve learned out into the world and make something of it? I have definitely had such experiences, and not only want to spread the word […]

Finding a Publisher You Love
Earlier this week, my first novel, Six Weeks to Yehidah, was released by All Things That Matter Press (ATTMP) and hit the Amazon bestseller charts the evening of its debut. I have no doubt that much of the reason for this early success is that I chose the right publisher. Six Weeks to Yehidah crosses […]

The A303 – A Storyteller’s Road: On Finding Landscapes for your Characters
There are two ways to drive from the South-East of England to the South-West. One is the M5 motorway; six lanes, wide visibility, smooth going. The other is the narrow, secretive A303. The A303 is the old road. The storytellers’ road. For most of its length it is a slender dual carriageway. It rolls on […]

Celebrating Rejection Letters? Easy After Finding Felicity is Published
Rejection letters are beautiful things. I can say that now, feeling somewhat smug that my novel, the very novel for which I have said beautiful rejection letters, has found a home. That it took six years is a fact that I do my best to repress. They were six very very long years. Does it […]

Writing Amoral Characters
Being in the teaching profession is a wonderful gift. Teachers meet a variety of students as they grow intellectually, take academic leaps, and learn to think critically. Teachers constantly learn from their students, and reflect on the variety of personalities, beliefs, and outlooks of these young adults who will shape the world of tomorrow. Teaching […]

Rome: The Coming of the King by MC Scott
Today May 12, 2011 Rome: The Coming of the King by M. C. Scott was released. We asked her to be a guest blogger to learn more about her work. In a fair world, as a woman, I’d be writing the coming of the queen and it would be every bit as erotic as it sounds. […]
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