Comments on: It’s Like Having An Alter Ego, But Harder Tue, 20 Sep 2016 17:00:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: I Mean, They Have Wine There, Too | One Vignette Tue, 20 Sep 2016 17:00:10 +0000 […] But know. From here on out, I will be working like mad to get this writing finished (it’s never finished). Because a book contract paid for my last retreat. A book contract could pay for the next one. Which makes the writer happy, and the mom happy, and the family just a bit more, well, fed (I WILL have grocery shopped). It’s not the writing that makes the stuff pile up and the to-do lists get longer (and those lists go unfinished). It’s the crazy. It’s the Leah. It’s the, well, life.  […]

By: Leah Mon, 04 Apr 2016 19:33:38 +0000 In reply to Rachel.

Rachel, I think a little complaining is warranted sometimes–it’s healthy, like a glass of medicinal wine or handful of chocolate, right?! Thanks for the kind words–and for the reminder that we all just need to keep grateful amid the crazy.

By: Leah Mon, 04 Apr 2016 19:32:22 +0000 In reply to Diane Holcomb.

Diane–Oh my gosh, YES. Yes, yes to this. I get in my head when I’m writing, I get pissy when I’m not–I hear you completely. Thanks for living in CrabbyLand with me!

By: Leah Mon, 04 Apr 2016 19:30:59 +0000 In reply to Carol Loveless.

I think that’s what will keep us going through the icky feelings of guilt, Carol. What a role model you are to your kiddos!

By: Leah Mon, 04 Apr 2016 19:29:37 +0000 In reply to Clair Chaytors.

Love this, Clair. And just that simple idea that we’re not taking away from our kids by doing this (see later, mommy guilt!) but living an example for them to follow. I hope, anyway. 🙂

By: Rachel Thu, 31 Mar 2016 16:11:27 +0000 I totally hear you – I balance (sort of, not well) both…juggle…and I do complain but your post makes me think that I have to stop!! And just be grateful…I am the frantic mom at the playground trying to write and the frantic mom at grad school worrying about whether the babysitter picked up the kids from school…but I just have to be grateful and enjoy it. Thanks for this post.

By: Q&A with Leah Ferguson : Women Writers, Women's Books Fri, 06 Nov 2015 13:11:20 +0000 […] of being a full-time mom to three children. You captured a snapshot of your life in your article “It’s Like Having An Alter Ego, But Harder.” What advice can you offer us on how to juggle it […]

By: Diane Holcomb Mon, 02 Nov 2015 19:38:18 +0000 “But I will tell you that it’s when I embrace both roles that I’m my truest self.” Love this!

I’m not a mom, but I juggle a day job, a start-up biz, and my creative writing (when I have time!) I know this: if I neglect my creative writing, I get crabby. And then depressed. And then anxious. Finding the time to write is always a challenge, but a necessity.

Great post!

By: Carol Loveless Sun, 05 Jul 2015 04:58:12 +0000 You just told my story in a slightly different way. I completely empathize with you. At 51 I am still working towards my true self. I have 2 teenagers who don’t demand as much time as a young child, but need attention and guidance just the same. Whenever I’m writing, photo / video editing or training myself to be my best in these arenas, I neglect those around me. However, I realize that by pursuing my goals encourages my daughters in more ways than words alone can.

By: Clair Chaytors Mon, 25 May 2015 15:14:02 +0000 Lovely and honest post. Having been encouraged by my hubby as well to take up that ‘hobby’, I can sympathise with everything you say. There are days when it’s the best job in the world and then days when I feel very close to throwing in the towel but I also wouldn’t change it for the world, and yes you are so right because I can now look all of my 4 children in the eye and say yes I’m doing what I’ve always wanted to do…
