Author Archive: Jacquelyn Middleton

Letting Creativity Run Riot—How My Mum Influenced My Latest Novel
When we were kids, my mum refused to buy us coloring books. Instead, she spoiled us with every colored pencil under the rainbow along with roll upon roll of blank paper to write and draw and follow wherever our imaginations took us. But that was my mum, that was the artist in her, coloring outside […]

Writing Lessons From My Dog
Sounds wacky, doesn’t it? I learned valuable writing tips…from my dog? Maybe I should rephrase that. Thanks to my dog, I have learned how to be a more disciplined writer. I’ve had dogs my entire life but it wasn’t until my husband and I brought home a little black fuzz ball—a Schipperke we called Zoey—that […]

How My Anxiety Inspired My Books
I awoke in the middle of a fish bowl. Well, it wasn’t really a fish bowl, but it checked all the same boxes: I was on display, people were staring, I felt alone, afloat. In reality, I was lying on the cold, polished floor of Toronto’s busiest department store. Along with the designer fragrances, expensive […]
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