Comments on: Pseudonyms: To Use Or Not To Use Wed, 21 Dec 2016 10:37:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rachael Wed, 21 Dec 2016 10:37:37 +0000 I have self published three books, all wildly different genres, under my own name. My latest book is for kids – a bit of a departure – and will be published as ‘Racca’, both a pseudonym and my nickname. There are two main reasons: firstly, I wish to differentiate the two personas; secondly, my previous three books are not at all suitable for children, and I’d be mortified if a kid accidentally got hold of them.

By: Top Picks Thursday: For Readers and Writers 06-23-2016 | The Author Chronicles Thu, 23 Jun 2016 17:01:47 +0000 […] Andrea Merrell reveals pet peeves that drive editors crazy, so you can avoid them before sending your manuscript to an editor, and Elysee Orchidkiller ponders whether to use or not to use pseudonyms. […]

By: E.V. Wed, 22 Jun 2016 15:25:05 +0000 I was told by an illustrious industry insider to change my very foreign name to something generic (read, WASPy) if I ever want to be published, because writers of “exotic” origins have better chances to be listened to if they write about their “exotic” experiences rather than regular genre fiction, besides, an agent may already have a person of my ethnicity on their roster.
