Author Archive: Emily Cavanagh

The Blurry Line Between Fiction and Reality
In a recent interview with my local radio station, I was asked if I write about real people. My answer was a very adamant no. This was not a fabricated response. But. It is not an entirely truthful one either. When Her Guilty Secret, my most recent book came out, my older daughter came into […]

Rediscovering Writing After Publication
As a child, when asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, I never said firefighter or ballerina or astronaut. I wanted to be a writer. In college, and when I first started writing seriously in my twenties, I loved the world that writing created. When I was writing, or thinking about writing, […]

How Motherhood Influences My Writing
When I first told people that I had a book being published, the number one question people would ask me was, “Where did you find the time?” What I don’t even bother telling them is that I’ve got a computer filled with several other completed manuscripts that I hope will someday find a published home. […]
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