Tag: marketing

The Unnoticed Writer
Over the last couple of days there’s been fair amount of buzz around the fiction writer Edith Pearlman. Her “break-out” story collection, Honeydew, is forthcoming from Little, Brown & Company. Pearlman is 78, and has published a number of story collections with small presses. In 2011, her collection Binocular Vision: New and Selected Stories earned […]

What Makes You Pick Up A Book?
What makes you pick up a book and read it? The cover? The blurb? The title? — Women Writers (@WomenWriters) December 3, 2014 @WomenWriters Cover, recommendations, sometimes award thingies on the front, author’s name…many, many things. — Heather Wheat (@hwheaties) December 3, 2014 @WomenWriters An interest in the subject matter, the title, and the endorsements. […]

Marketing your Novel: Prepare in Advance!
When you’re constantly receiving rejection letters from publishers or agents, the last thing you’re probably thinking about is publicizing a novel you can’t even seem to sell. Before I continue, let me stop a moment and give this very loud and clear disclosure: nothing, nothing, NOTHING, matters more than writing a killer book. Spend 99 […]
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