Tag: women’s fiction

From Query to Book Deal: Literary Agent Carly Watters
Here’s the story of how women’s fiction author extraordinaire Taylor Jenkins Reid and agent Carly Watters started working together. (Haven’t read her books? Try MAYBE IN ANOTHER LIFE, her most recent novel with a SLIDING DOORS twist.) In Early February 2012 I receive a query telling me the heart-breaking love story of Elsie and Ben: […]

Q&A with Leah Ferguson
Leah Ferguson is the debut author of ALL THE DIFFERENCE published by Berkley/Penguin which tells the story, in alternating chapters, of a pregnant woman who says yes – and no! – when her boyfriend proposes marriage. You may also know Leah from her popular mommy-blog One Vignette – life on the small scale: a story […]

Tackling New Writing Challenges
I’ve been writing contemporary series romance for Harlequin since 2004. I love writing family drama that revolves around a couple falling in love, but after a decade of writing shorter storylines I was growing antsy and wanted to try my hand at writing a “bigger” book. I spent a year working on a single title […]

A Tale from the Other Side
My heart is in my mouth. Nearly two years ago I went to an event where new authors read from their work in progress. One in particular stood out, and I set my heart on representing her. Her writing showed steel, and wit, and cool and I fell in love with it. Nervously I pressed […]

Magpies and Well Filling
I believe writers are magpies. We collect shiny objects (interesting tidbits of conversation, mannerisms, images, snippets of research – whatever catches our roving eyes) without consciously being aware. Some of the time we note them down, but other times they drift to the back of our minds – seemingly forgotten. There they wait for the […]

Celebrating Rejection Letters? Easy After Finding Felicity is Published
Rejection letters are beautiful things. I can say that now, feeling somewhat smug that my novel, the very novel for which I have said beautiful rejection letters, has found a home. That it took six years is a fact that I do my best to repress. They were six very very long years. Does it […]
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