Tag: why I write

Why Women Write: Part One of Two
We asked, “Why do you write?” To persuade? To inform? To change the world? In 1946, George Orwell wrote an essay called, “Why I Write.” This popular piece explained who he was, and why he decided to become a writer. What were his motives? What were his desires? We at Women Writers, Women Books, however, […]

Writing as Compulsion
Writing is a compulsion for me, but where does that force within come from, I wonder. I’ve never tried to explain it before, but perhaps it stems from reading. Librarians and teachers of literacy often express a desire for youngsters to “discover the joys of reading.” I’m guessing that joy of reading is behind my […]

Writing with Aphasia
Writing has always been my passion, from a very young age, but it is also one of the most challenging things I could ask of myself. That’s what keeps it interesting. Like most writers, I’ve wanted to be a writer for most of my life. There’s not much unique in that. At eight years old, […]

Women Writers Asks: Why do you write?
Do you write to persuade? To inform? To change the world? To be remembered? When you pick up your pen, or open your notebook, or pull up a Word document, what is your goal? What pushes you to write, rewrite, rewrite a dozen more times, and then edit until mental and physical exhaustion? Why do […]
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