Comments on: Q&A with Literary Agent Juliet Pickering of the Blake Friedmann Agency Sat, 15 Oct 2016 01:12:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: MM Finck Sat, 15 Oct 2016 01:12:03 +0000 I apologize, Cal, for my delayed reply! I am not an agent, but I am the interviewer of this Q&A. I should’ve paid closer attention even though I wasn’t the info-source. As the overseer of this segment, please forgive me. I agree that I think ideally agents should reply on reception of our heart-earned queries. If it is so easy for us to set up extended absence notifications when we go on vacations, they should, theoretically, be able to do that, right?? I do not know their email systems, of course. And these people work themselves to the bone trying to be the best for their clients and identify future ones. I can only say, I agree. And I wish you the very best of luck. If I can help you in any way, let me know. 🙂


MM Finck
Women’s Fiction
Women Writers, Women[‘s] Books magazine: Interviews & Agents’ Corner
Litsy @​MMF

By: Cal Clyde Mon, 14 Mar 2016 16:45:38 +0000 I do wish all agents generated an automatic response to let you know a manuscript has arrived safely. Also, I think they should all do writers the courtesy of a reply – even if it’s a standard rejection – rather than leaving them wondering if something’s amiss.

After all, why shouldn’t good writers assume their submission didn’t reach an agent rather than assuming they’re not interested? Why do so many create the doubt and make you chase them up – usually not receiving a reply to that second email either?

If you’re as thorough and professional as you would have people believe, I’d make sure you send a reply to all unsolicited subs.

Thank you.
