Tag: War

Treasuring Memories
However you define the term ‘historical novel’, there can be few things more daunting than being asked to write about events which you yourself don’t remember, but which other people do. This was the position I was put in when I was commissioned to write a series of novels set during the Second World War. […]

Non-Fiction: Being Bombed Out
This is an account of what it was like to be nine years old and on the receiving end of the bombing power of a well-armed enemy. Like millions in London we were evacuated at the start of the war. My father went to Harpenden with the insurance company he worked for, two days before […]

Writing About War
While researching for my novel, Someone Else’s Conflict, I found myself asking a number of interesting, sometimes disturbing, questions about my decision to set the backstory in the 1990s Croatian conflict. During the conflicts following the break-up of Yugoslavia, the war in Croatia was gradually overshadowed by the shocking events in neighbouring Bosnia-Hercegovina. While I […]
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