Tag: agents

A Twenty-Five-Question Interview Published as a Five Part Series Part One Part Two | Hosted by MM Finck | | Anonymously Answered By Agented Authors* with Varying Publishing Career Durations and Successes from Debut to Bestselling and Represented by Multiple Literary Agencies of Varying Sizes | QUESTION ELEVEN Historically, how many story ideas do you […]

The Arduous Search for An Agent
First thing to remember, it doesn’t start with sending out query letters. It starts before that. You finally finish your manuscript, then you re-write it, and you edit it, and you craft it probably more than once. But even before that, if you’re writing a novel or memoir as I have, you have also spent […]

How To Deal With Non-Constructive Criticism
If you have been on the agent querying treadmill long enough to receive a request for a full manuscript, then you know the feeling: the simultaneous swell of pride and the utter fear of not measuring up. Your query letter worked, hooray! An actual expert from the publishing industry, with a slush pile as high […]

Q&A with Evan Gregory, Senior Literary Agent Ethan Ellenberg Literary Agency
Evan Gregory began at Ethan Ellenberg in 2008. He is currently expanding his client list. He has widespread interests including: FICTION – Horror, Mystery, Thrillers, Science-fiction, Fantasy, Women’s literature. NONFICTION – Arts, Cinema, Photography, Biography, Memoir, Business, Investment, Cooking, Food, Wine, Health, Diet, History, Nature, Ecology, Parenting, Family, Politics, Current affairs, Pop culture, Entertainment, Science, […]

Q&A with Literary Agent Katie Kotchman of Don Congdon Associates
In non-fiction, Katie Kotchman specializes in business (all areas); narrative non-fiction such as popular science and books about social/cultural issues; self-help that focuses on success, motivation, and psychology; and pop culture. Katie is actively seeking new non-fiction clients with built-in platforms from whom she can learn something new. In fiction, she’s interested in representing […]

Q&A with Literary Agent Leigh Eisenman of Hannigan Salky Getzler “HSG” Agency
Leigh is a junior agent with Hannigan Salky Getzler (“HSG”) Agency. After ten years of practicing law, she decided to follow her dream of becoming part of the New York City literary landscape. She worked for a year at Folio Literary Management prior to moving to HSG in the fall of 2015. Leigh is also […]

How Outside Influences Affect My Writing
Okay, this post is gonna make some people feel queasy. It’s gonna make you angry. It’s gonna make you doubt my sanity. Writers and would-be writers, for instance – the write-what-you-know, follow-your-passion, what-does-your-gut-tell-you people out there, especially the unpublished ones, I’m going to make you absolutely nuts right now, and I apologize. Readers? Publishing pros? […]

Q&A with Literary Agent Carly Watters of the P.S. Literary Agency
Carly Watters began her publishing career in London at the Darley Anderson Literary, TV and Film Agency. She has a BA in English Literature from Queen’s University and a MA in Publishing Studies from City University London. Since joining PSLA in 2010, Carly has had great success launching new authors domestically and abroad. Never without […]

Q&A with Literary Agent Juliet Pickering of the Blake Friedmann Agency
Juliet Pickering worked for Waterstones as a bookseller and fiction buyer before joining A P Watt in 2003, working up from combing the slush pile, franking mail and scanning royalty statements, to becoming an agent in 2007. She moved to Blake Friedmann in London in 2013, and her authors have been shortlisted for Costa, Commonwealth […]

To Be or Not to Be Agented, That is the Question
I never asked this question. Instead I asked how quickly I could get myself an agent. Unagented authors aren’t taken seriously, I reasoned. You can’t approach big houses without one and I wanted readers and a big contract. Getting an agent was the only way to achieve this goal. So I sent out queries, alphabetically, […]
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