Category: How to Get Published

You’re a Writer. Now Act Like One!
My entire life had been in a single large city. I loved the important hustle of the daytime and the somewhat dangerous excitement of the night. Art and fabulous food fed my deeper cravings. Still, I always felt that my forever life was waiting for me somewhere drastically different. On impulse, I moved to San Diego, […]

The Writing Part is Easy: A Publishing Story
So you find an hour here and there, a weekend, holidays, and when the kids are gone for the summer. You write. Stops and starts. It’s all wrong and then finally you find your voice and then it flows. Ah. You’re in the throes of creativity. Thoughts come on their own accord. While you’re in […]

QUEER GREER: From Self-Published to Indie Pubbed
I wrote my first novel, Queer Greer, in 2007. The arduous process of querying literary agents and publishers started the following year. Several dozen rejection letters later, I was not dissuaded from my belief that I had a publishable piece of work – only that, perhaps, the traditional publishing route was not the best way […]

Published! Does it matter how?
“Wow!” Co-workers and acquaintances exclaim and ask when they see the print copy of my book. “You got published?” They ask. That question is hard for me to answer. I know they’re expecting to hear the name of a famous publishing house. Sometimes they ask, “Who published it?” That one is easier. I just smile […]

Is it Your Turn to Be a Published Author?
It is really fascinating how things manifest. My first book, The Book of Obeah (website link) , was conceived early one morning, when I woke up with the first few words in my head. Until that moment, I never really thought about writing a thriller, even if I have always been an avid reader of suspenseful […]

Interview with “Write to be Published” Author, Nicola Morgan
Nicola Morgan’s new 2011 book, Write to be Published. Nicola Morgan is an award-winning author from the UK with around ninety published books to her name and is well known as a speaker about all aspects of writing and publishing. She is the creator of the popular blog, Help! I Need a Publisher! and is […]
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