Category: Australian Women Writers

Introducing Authorpreneurship
The business of creativity is changing, not just in the formats in which ideas are presented internationally but also how authors perceive themselves. Today, a creator needs to be an ‘authorpreneur’. What is Authorpreneurship? Author = originator Entrepreneur = seller who initiates Apart from crafting words or images for specific audiences, ‘authorpreneurship’ means learning the marketing, publicity, […]

Reflections on Literary Creativity
I can’t recall the exact day I started writing. For that matter I can’t remember the exact day I took my first meaningful photograph. What can I tell you? Writing and photography filled a deep hole that seemed to be growing inside me a long time ago. I could have put it down to a […]

Reclaiming the Right to Write – “One Year To A Writing Life” by Susan Tiberghien
This review of Susan Tiberghien´s book was published in Bookarazzi when it first came out in 2007. Susan is the woman who showed me that I had the right to write. Now that I´m no longer able to participate in her workshops in Genveva, I am happy to have her book which I consult regulary for […]

How My Day Job Saved My Writing Life
We don’t all start out as writers. Some of us may not have thought that writing was even an option. I came late to writing fiction: I was in my forties, thinking of doing an MBA to further my career in telecommunications policy in Geneva, Switzerland. I signed up for one module with the Open University […]
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