Comments on: 5 Steps to Original Character Creation Sat, 29 Oct 2016 08:42:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: H.C. Maree Sat, 29 Oct 2016 08:42:04 +0000 What a foolproof and practical approach to creating characters. Thanks for the advice. I will definitely be using it.

By: 5 Steps to Original Character Creation | Toni Kennedy : A Writing Life Mon, 07 Dec 2015 00:57:11 +0000 […] Sourced through from: […]

By: Sept/Oct Writing Roundup :: Katie Rose Guest Pryal Mon, 02 Nov 2015 14:02:11 +0000 […] “5 Steps to Original Character Creation.” Women Writers, Women’s Books. 10 October 2015. […]

By: Karissa Laurel Wed, 28 Oct 2015 15:23:38 +0000 What a great article, Katie! It’s an approach that’s easy to do and pretty simple to assimilate. I’m often hesitant to seek other’s techniques because I’m afraid I’ll only confuse myself or something, which is dumb. A writer has to have a toolbox full of tricks, and I’ll be adding this one to mine.

I especially like how you take a real/familiar versus not-real/super powers approach. It’s the contrasts with in a person (character) that gives them depth and I think this is a great way to get that started.

By: Top Picks Thursday 10-22-2015 | The Author Chronicles Thu, 22 Oct 2015 17:03:46 +0000 […] trouble developing interesting characters? Katie Rose Guest Pryal presents 5 steps to original character creation, and Karen A. Wyle reveals what you need to know if you’re using newbie lawyers as […]

By: 5 Steps to Original Character Creation | WordHarbour Thu, 15 Oct 2015 06:53:34 +0000 […] By Katie Rose Guest Pryal […]

By: Mel Menzies Sat, 10 Oct 2015 16:24:51 +0000 Great advice, Katie. I had a lot of fun creating the protagonist in my latest book, Time to Shine. First of a series, it’s an Evie Adams mystery, and my hope is that her name says it all. Evie is a counsellor, who helps her clients to solve the mysteries in their lives (rather than the usual detective) but, as indicated, she’s a little bit naughty, in a nice way, and does not toe the line herself.
Most of my books – commissions from Hodder and other publishers – have been biographical (or how to books). Even when writing real life stories, it’s important to pick up on the nuances of characterisation. In my bestselling book, The Last Mountain, I had to convey the traits and physical mannerisms that were peculiar to my main character. Difficult, as he was deceased, but Hodder sent me off to Geneva to talk to his widow. I’m not sure I satisfied ALL his family, but I believe Jana was happy about the they way I’d depicted her lovely husband.

By: Vicki Lesage Sat, 10 Oct 2015 14:28:52 +0000 So interesting! Up until now I’ve only written memoirs so I write what I know (cliché — check!) and I write about my own flaws and superpowers. When I finally delve into fiction (one of these days…) it will be exciting to go through these steps. (Though to some extent I’ve done some of this because even in memoir writing you can’t say EVERYTHING so you do have to plan which aspects of your characters you’re going to show.)
