Comments on: Where Do I Find Books To Read? Mon, 02 Apr 2018 10:17:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: Greta Cribbs Mon, 02 Apr 2018 10:17:31 +0000 As an author who is currently self-publishing and feverishly marketing my precious book babies to the world, I know how hard it can be to get momentum in the current market, so I try to support my fellow indies as much as I can. However, since I’ve started reading more indie books than I did in the past, I sometimes find myself drowning in that “tsunami of crap” you mentioned. I started a review feature on my blog, and I try very hard to only choose books that I can give a five star rating to because, like I said, I want to support indies, not tear them down, but occasionally there just aren’t any great books to choose from among my submissions, so I thoroughly identify with readers who struggle to find an engaging read. Unfortunately, I don’t think there’s any way to “fix” the indie market. Trying to put too many parameters on what should and should not be published would undermine the wonderful opportunity self-publishing gives to people like me who just don’t have the patience for the querying process. I guess this is where honest reviews come in. If an author puts truly sub-standard material out into the world, it won’t be long before a reader decides to call them out on it. I think those reviews are vital for helping readers sift through the stockpile of books that are popping up all around us.

By: tracey garvis graves Thu, 30 Nov 2017 14:41:49 +0000 In reply to Charlotte.

Hi Charlotte,

Thank you for your response. I agree that something needs to be done, but I fear it’s such a daunting task that it will never happen. That’s why I’m such an avid reader of samples. I feel like I need the information in order to make an informed decision. Sometimes the descriptions are so misleading.


By: tracey garvis graves Thu, 30 Nov 2017 14:39:28 +0000 In reply to Karen.

Hi Karen!

Thank you for responding. I’ve always loved the support your blog has given me. Keep up the great work!


By: Karen Tue, 28 Nov 2017 22:49:36 +0000 This is why I created my blog! Honest reviews of the latest books (thanks to early reads from Netgalley!) I am not a critic, just an open minded avid reader and answer texts all day long for book suggestions from friends and family. My problem is similar to the readers. The internet is saturated with blogs like mine and its hard to reach my audience. I think the independent bloggers who are passionate about reading give great reviews and suggestions. Reviews can be found on amazon and goodreads but it can be dizzying and negative. If you follow me you receive one message a week with the latest review, thats it! Check it out!

By: Charlotte Tue, 28 Nov 2017 15:39:23 +0000 Amazon really needs to implement some quality control. Term papers, thesises, journal entries, essays, etc. shouldn’t be allowed to be published as “books.” (I’ve managed to download all of those.) And frankly not everyone can write. I’d like to see them get some professional reviewers up top, and then the regular reviewers (often sprinkled, or glutted, with friends and family) can be at the bottom. Something needs to be done, because the gatekeepers are more overwhelmed than ever – and thus likely missing out on quality material – and whatever quality material there might be on self publishing platforms is getting drowned out. Self publishing can be a great opportunity for those who don’t manage to snag the attention of agents and editors, unfortunately, the way it stands now, those same people will likely self publish in a vacuum.
