Tag: self-publishing

Can a Self-Published Author Have an Agent?
Can a self-published/independent author have an agent? Surely, it’s a contradictory state? Well, no, not in today’s publishing world. Last May, I signed with A for Authors literary agency to represent me for subsidiary and foreign rights. As the congratulations flowed in, I was a little overwhelmed by the lovely things people said on Facebook […]

Quick Guide to Self-Publishing
The stigma around self-publishing is still strong. ‘If it’s a good enough manuscript it will find a publisher,’ is an oft repeated phrase (particularly by those who have found a publisher). After thirty years of writing, honing my crafting and, yes, on occasion being traditionally published, I no longer believe this to be true. Yet […]

Why I Chose to Self-Publish
I’m sure there are some who write entirely for themselves, but most of us do so for other people. But how do you get your words turned into a book, so that your story can be shared? The traditional route was to attract an agent. He or she would then go on to find a […]

Elephants Dancing in My Tummy: And The Angels Cried
I have a herd of elephants dancing in my tummy; my head aches and I am intermittently overcome by a wave of panic which starts at my toes and oozes from my fingers as I type; I’m not sleeping too well either. I’m not ill or on drugs – unless you count the medicinal Pinot […]

QUEER GREER: From Self-Published to Indie Pubbed
I wrote my first novel, Queer Greer, in 2007. The arduous process of querying literary agents and publishers started the following year. Several dozen rejection letters later, I was not dissuaded from my belief that I had a publishable piece of work – only that, perhaps, the traditional publishing route was not the best way […]

A Journey of Souls – Why Novels Are the Most Truthful Medium
The first time someone talks to you because they’ve read your novel, it is very peculiar. The novel I have just published – My Memories of a Future Life – is about a classical pianist who has to stop playing because of a mysterious injury. Her desperation and her search for a cure are the […]

Pre-Publishing Fear: Before the Release of Bluesday
As I write this post, I am a few days away from the release of my first published novel, Bluesday. I’m sure all of you authors know exactly how I’m feeling right now. Churning within me is a mixture of excitement and raw, gripping fear. Excitement because what I have worked so long and hard […]
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