Comments on: The Story Behind the Story Wed, 01 Feb 2017 08:41:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Featuring Women Writers on WWWB 2013 - Women Writers, Women Books Mon, 30 Dec 2013 23:10:58 +0000 […] The Story Behind the Story – Victoria King-Voreadi Writing about Muslim Women Characters – Zvezdana Rashkovichers Select Duty and Desire – A Tale of Modern India – Anju Gattani Keyboard Calling – Nancy Wait Writing a Gay Private Investigator – Liz Strange Kickstarting “Vuto” with AJ Walkley: An Interview – AJ Walkley Forty One Strange Years of Writing – Kathryn Meyer Griffith Let Me Tell You Why I Write – Marianne Wheelaghan Mother’s Day, Wikipedia, and Politics – Dr. Joan Steinau Lester Poetry, a reflex, a knee-jerk – Molly Case My Big Fake Immigrant Memoir – Aine Greaney Writing as Escape: Bittersweet Heartache and Cancer – Temeka Williams Writing in the Culinary Landscape of the Galilee – Abbie Rosner Guests –  Jasminka Griffin Loving the Alien –  Helen Grant Nourishing the Self by Finding the Time to Write –  Sarah Hackley How Being Deaf Has Affected Me as a Writer – Tara Chevrestt Why do you write –  Rachel C. Lewis The Verminous Hazards of Research –   Beryl Kingston Writing Blind, a Creative Force –  Dr Hannah Thompson Writing with Aphasia – Amy Good Making Up Words – Ebony McKenna Writing as Compulsion – Jan Merry Molluscs and Me, a Slow Process – Helen Howard Creative Therapy –  Cassie Kennedy From I.T. to I.T. Girl – Fiona Pearse Are you a Rabbit or a Mole when it comes to Writing? – Trish Nicholson A Writer’s Journey –  Sue Cross Writer and Mother: How Children Can Help (and Not Hinder) the Creative Process, – Rebecca Stonehill The Writing and Publishing Process – Lynsey A. Richard A Purple Crayo –  Lora Hughes I’m Not a Feminist, but – Tracy Kuhn  Words on the page as kernels of possibility: An interview with Belinda Pollard – Rachel C. Lewis But Who will Want to Read it – Judith Kinghorn Writing with Dyslexia –  Tamsin Jupp How to Avoid Writer’s Arse – Talli Roland Creativity in Pregnancy – Eleanor Fitzsimons Outdoor Blogging – Robin Follette When Life Starts to Resemble your Writing – Claire King Poetry and the Art of Choosing Favorites – LL Barkat Is there a right way to write? –  Scarlet Wilde Women Vs Thrillers – Susi Holliday Coping with Pain through Writing – February Grace A day in the life of… Joanne Harris –  Joanne Harris Writing Fiction, Building blocks – Paula Daly The Great March of August 28, 1963 –  Dr. Joan Steinau Lester How Guernsey Evacuees Changed My Life, – Gillian Mawson Alternative History…What if women were in charge? –  Alison Morton You’re a Writer. Now Act Like One!  – MM Finck Whatever your Dreams –  Roz Morris Reviewing AJ Walkley’s Novel “Vuto” –  Rachel C. Lewis 14 Words for Love: Write and Do Good – Jodi Barnes A Day in the Life of…Nicola Morgan – Nicola Morgan Interview with Isabel Allende Researching Kipling and his Sister – Mary Hamer A War to Write – Kristina James Unforgettable Picture Books –  Cerrie Burnell  The Silver Lining on the Bipolar Cloud –  Charlotte Walker How to Write YA When You Don’t Read YA – Kait Heacock The Power Within –  Louise Moulin Chairs –   Dr. Joan Steinau Lester Learning to Fall –  Elaine Neil Orr Writing Guidelines? Pick Your Own! – Kate Long Finding An Agent – Mel Sherratt Malala, the Story –  Viviana Mazza Recipes of World War One – Juliet Greenwood How Can I Get My Memoir Published – Sara Mansfield Taber Memoir Writing: Can’t Find My Way Back Home – Ann Churcher Inspirational Women Writers – Jan Merry Handy Writing Tips – Julie Tetel Andresen Impulsivity, Fear and Flash – Jodi Barnes Literary Sex Change, Using a Male Pseudonym –  Rosemary Friedman Writing Advice…Past Tense or Present Tense? – Emma Darwin Twitter Guidelines: How to be a Proper Writer on Twitter – Tracy Kuhn Working with Agents and Editors –  Lynn Shepherd The Lost Boys: From Wattpad to 3 book Publishing Deal with Random House – Lily Carmine Doris Lessing’s Little Known Poetry – C. Elizabeth Murray Masquerading as Male in Crime Writing: A Pseudonym Story –  Eve Seymour Finding your Muse – Trisha Ashley Writing by Ear – Shanan Haislip Growing a Thick Skin – K. A. Laity Age: a Writer’s Ally – Randy Kraft Kenau Hasselaar.You never heard of her. – CJ Underwood Science in Fictio –  Sanjida O’Connell Is your writing Toxic? – Colleen McCarty Multiculturalism and Writing – Berit Ellingsen A Day in the Life of a Literary Agent –  Katie Shea Boutillier Why I don’t do Word Counts – Cath Staincliffe How to Maximise Social Media Without Selling Out – Amrita Tripathi Researching Burnt Norton Caroline Sandon Creativity and the Writing Process – Claire Burge On mirror neurons and Schrödinger’s cat: writing as exploration – Marialena Carr 4 Things You Must Know About Reaching Your Writing Goals –  Carol Fragale-Brill […]

By: Exploring the Blogosphere « Victoria Andre King Thu, 14 Feb 2013 08:25:11 +0000 […] McGaha, creator of Women Writers Women, Books has nurtured what I would venture to call the most comprehensive contemporary platform for […]

By: Victoria King-Voreadi Fri, 01 Feb 2013 17:24:54 +0000 Anora, as always, thank you for providing such a wonderful and hospitable venue.
