Comments on: All in a (Writer’s) Day Sun, 18 Jan 2015 04:23:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: Elaine Luddy Klonicki Sun, 18 Jan 2015 04:23:35 +0000 In reply to Mary Latela.

Mary, for me it depends on the piece. In general, I agree. Wait until you have a substantial chunk. But sometimes it comes together for me bit by bit as I keep going back to it and keep making adjustments. I find my process varies a lot from day to day, but as long as it keeps moving me forward, I’m okay with that.

By: Elaine Luddy Klonicki Sun, 18 Jan 2015 04:21:20 +0000 In reply to Tatjana van der Krabben.

I so agree, Tatjana. It’s an intangible quality that improves with time as long as one diligently works on her craft.

By: Elaine Luddy Klonicki Sun, 18 Jan 2015 04:20:01 +0000 In reply to Caroline.

I guess it could be a risk for some, Caroline, although I find once my mind is whirling on a piece, I’m still working on it in my head while I’m doing the laundry or making that tea.

By: Elaine Luddy Klonicki Sun, 18 Jan 2015 04:18:32 +0000 In reply to pooja pathak.

Pooja, I like the idea of writing your way into the writing. So often I lob off the first paragraph when I go back to a piece because I find it to be unnecessary.

By: Elaine Luddy Klonicki Sun, 18 Jan 2015 04:15:51 +0000 In reply to Kate Foster.

A mish-mash of emotions is right. Love the concept of a writer’s tantrum, Kate!

By: Mary Latela Sat, 17 Jan 2015 21:44:23 +0000 It’s good … it’s not so good! Don’t waste time judging your own work until you have a chunk worth rereading and reworking… not necessarily the moment you sit down in the mornings.

By: Tatjana van der Krabben Sun, 03 Aug 2014 09:29:59 +0000 It’s Always like this. Yet, I love this quality to be able to review your own work to a point. You need that or will be reduced to the writing equivalent of a horrible performer on a talent show, oblivious his/her lack of talent.

By: Caroline Sun, 03 Aug 2014 08:01:05 +0000 Yep, this sounds like me alright. The writing life is a roller-coaster of emotion. The risk, I think, is that when you are on a downswing and you go off to make tea or do the laundry, you might never come back to it.

I started a blog recently which I hope is going to help me (and others) with the down swings. By writing about the creative process and about books and other creative endeavors I get a clearer picture of my own understanding of projects, which in turn helps me to take a more objective view of my activities.

It’s not easy though.

By: pooja pathak Tue, 22 Jul 2014 18:32:32 +0000 oh, r u somewhere around me? same experience I feel whenever start writing. Thoughts never favors me, so many times I change my idea of writing. second idea always seems better then initial idea…….sometimes it works…not always….take a break…. going to get cup of tea.

By: Kate Foster Tue, 15 Jul 2014 00:26:53 +0000 I love this! This is exactly how writing is. Each step to creating a brilliant piece raises a bizarre mish-mash of emotions. The amount of times I’ve had a tantrum and decided I don’t want to be a writer in the middle of a book but then can’t help but try again and again. Thanks, Elaine.
