Comments on: How I Became A Writer Thu, 29 Jun 2017 08:05:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: Terri Fleming Thu, 29 Jun 2017 08:05:36 +0000 So much of what you say resonates with my experiences, Emma. I think that the day you start to call yourself a writer to others is the day the fragile dream starts to become a reality. It’s a brave step to make that statement when there is no published work behind you – but that is what needs to happen. And like you, I chose Jo Unwin as my agent. I came so close to signing with someone else, but in my heart, I knew it wasn’t the right fit and I walked away. I did of course, wonder if I should have taken the bird in the hand and decided that the wrong relationship would be destructive.Two months later I met Jo and this time I knew I was on the right track.

By: How I Became A Writer | Women Writers, Women’s Books | Writer's Blog Thu, 24 Nov 2016 11:27:59 +0000 […] via How I Became A Writer : Women Writers, Women’s Books […]

By: Emma Flint Sat, 05 Nov 2016 17:27:50 +0000 In reply to Charlotte69.

Hi Charlotte

Thanks for the thoughtful response. I think there are pluses and minuses to every option – and we’re all wise in retrospect 🙂 Best of luck with your new book, and on developing a great relationship with your new agent.


By: Charlotte69 Sat, 05 Nov 2016 15:45:50 +0000 Hi Emma, Congratulations on having so many interested agents and not even on a completed novel, quite an accomplishment. A compelling way to choose an agent and I can definitely see the merits of wanting someone who is going to be in the trenches with you. I chose my agent for similar reasons, she just seemed so passionate about my material and like someone I could cry to and gripe with. In retrospect, I maybe should have gone with a larger agency, as a few years later, she decided to leave the business, and her couple of employees scattered. At a larger agency, if an agent leaves, you may have the option of being passed to someone else. Unfortunately, I find myself in the querying vortex once more with my new book. But you never, ever know what can go wrong – or right. I’ll be interested to read your story since it takes place in Queens!

By: Jessica Norrie Sat, 05 Nov 2016 08:37:33 +0000 Ah! Skyros! That place has inspired so many of us to go on and write, sing, act… your article really brings home the importance of somebody saying “I believe in you” because writing is such an up and down sensation of am I producing brilliance or am I producing crap….

By: Emma Flint Fri, 04 Nov 2016 22:11:19 +0000 In reply to Harriet Cummings.

Hi Harriet,

Thanks for the response – I’m glad you found the article inspiring. For me, the reactions of other people definitely helped developed my germ into a full-blown virus 🙂 I think if going through something difficult wakes up another part of your imagination and that inspires new ideas and creativity, you should keep going through those difficult experiences! Whatever helps…

Good luck!

By: Harriet Cummings Fri, 04 Nov 2016 15:48:06 +0000 Thank you for the inspiring article. I can definitely relate to the petrifying feeling of standing up in front of people and sharing work that feels so personal. I wonder – do you think the difficulty of some of the aspects of writing and sharing work in some way helped to later create your germ of idea? I ask because I feel like some of my best ideas follow times when I’ve felt like I had to go through something difficult. It’s like a different part of my imagination woke up.
