Tag: fiction

5 Reasons You Should Still Pursue a Traditional Book Contract
I can’t tell you how often I am asked if I am self-published, and even though it’s a fair question I admit I am a bit sensitive to the assumption that I couldn’t have gotten my book published the old-fashioned way. This is because I worked pretty hard to be traditionally published and while I […]

Mentoring Women Writers
I think one of the things I’ve most appreciated since becoming a published writer is the support I’ve had from other writers. Writing can be a lonely business. Don’t get me wrong, it can also be a rewarding and hugely satisfying business too, but occasionally it can feel isolating. The voice of self-doubt that plagues […]

Q&A with Literary Agent Leigh Eisenman of Hannigan Salky Getzler “HSG” Agency
Leigh is a junior agent with Hannigan Salky Getzler (“HSG”) Agency. After ten years of practicing law, she decided to follow her dream of becoming part of the New York City literary landscape. She worked for a year at Folio Literary Management prior to moving to HSG in the fall of 2015. Leigh is also […]

The Chameleon: How Writing Changed Me
I was forty-three years old when I wrote my first novel. It was a game-changer, no question. Not for monetary reasons. Not for “fame.” But for allowing me an outlet where I could finally be me. I’ve led a chameleon’s life, an expert at blending in as circumstances dictate. I graduated from the United States […]

Writing It Forward
I remember standing on the corner of a dirt road as a child of eight or nine. I was shielding my eyes from the blistering sun of a South Carolina summer and bouncing on my toes as I strained to hear the engine of the approaching book mobile. Likely I would have been clutching a […]

Writing for a Cause
I write because I love to create stories; to formulate something from nothing that hopes to engage and inspire readers from all over the world. There is something magical in our imagination that allows us to send our audiences on a journey whether it is a true story or fantasy. That is what inspires me […]

Why I Went on the World’s Longest Book Tour
We live in a world of content overload, constant contact, and ironically, an increasing sense of disconnection. As more and more human interactions are conducted online, we lose the opportunity for the simple “hello” and “how are you” that used to add something intangible to our days. At the same time, deeper, more substantive engagement […]

Call Yourself A Writer – Right Away!
When is it the right time to call yourself a writer? Anyone can call themselves a writer, but let’s say you’re serious in that you try to write regularly, and possibly submit work. You’re probably unpublished. So now’s the time to practice telling people when they ask what you do, that you’re a writer. Or […]

The Invisible Days
I read somewhere recently that writing a book is like telling a joke and having to wait two years to find out if it is funny. It’s a painfully accurate analogy that made me laugh and wince with recognition at the same time. Writing, you see, is a curious profession. A single day can bring […]
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