Comments on: Getting In Fri, 20 Feb 2015 08:21:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: MC Browne Fri, 20 Feb 2015 08:21:50 +0000 Hello, Congratulations on your new novel, it is a huge achievement. My story is similar in that I messed around with the traditional route for two years – hoping to get an agent – then a publisher – gave up when I discovered the type of book I was writing – obsessive love – was being flooded onto the marketplace – some using similar character names as mine even… I published my book on Kindle – Second Life Losing You Saving Me by MC Browne on 5th Feb 2015 … The pre proofed copy … To ensure my novel was out there and seen – and read and enjoyed – rather than sit in a drawer wondering if I could have competed with the mammoth giants in publishing.interesting that three days later I got a solicitors letter saying they had an issue with the back of my book copy … As it was similar to the very unique marketing campaign of one of their star authors … I did wonder … If two years of my life had been wasted chasing company’s whose biggest USP was a few lines of text so original that I wrote them two years ago and sent them out to agents. so I removed my book for sale – changed the wording to the exact words as sent out years ago ( which sound and look the same ) and replaced it back on Amazon yesterday. I think you are doing exactly the right thing . This whole experience has shown me traditional publishing needs to either hire some real creativity – or lose more market share – to us. have a look at my website if you get a minute . My paperback comes out next month … I am doing it & it feels great… I’m guessing you already know that x

By: Mary Chris Escobar Tue, 30 Dec 2014 17:05:09 +0000 Thank you so much for sharing and congratulations on your debut novel (and all your other stories)! I so agree with your sentiment about the publishing industry being in flux but “gatekeepers” always existing. I think the most important thing is to move forward and find the right venue for our words and persevere in our quest to have our stories heard. You are a shining example of this.

By: The Monday Post: Links for Readers and Writers | A Vase of Wildflowers Mon, 15 Dec 2014 14:10:59 +0000 […] “Getting In” via Women Writers, Women, Books […]

By: Kamy Wicoff Wed, 22 Oct 2014 21:39:50 +0000 This is wonderful, Anne. My prediction is that Poets and Writers will come around soon. (Publishers’ Weekly only recently changed our status after seeing how finely written and beautifully produced our titles were.) The idea that the traditional houses are “curating” and just because you choose to invest in your own work, just like visual artists, filmmakers and musicians do, means there has to be an asterisk next to it, is outdated, censorious, and wrong. The quality of the work is what matters–not what its passionate author has done to get it out into the world. I am proud to say I turned down a deal from a traditional house to publish with She Writes Press for the autonomy, better economics, and community we have. Thank you for being a trail blazer with us–we are what’s next in publishing!
Kamy Wicoff, co-founder, She Writes Press

By: Martha Conway Wed, 22 Oct 2014 14:25:11 +0000 Writers are pretty tough creatures; thanks for reminding us of that. I love how you kept finding the right outlets for your work, adapting to the changing landscape as you went along. I remember those tiny slips of papers from literary magazines (most now defunct or online rather than print) with editors’ scribbles at the bottom, and how they thrilled me! Proof that I was, like you, on the right path. Onward! as Howard Junker used to write on Zyzzyva submissions.

By: Kay Rae Chomic Wed, 24 Sep 2014 15:54:27 +0000 Great article, Anne! Thanks for sharing your struggles and triumphs. Publishing is a tough business. And, we writers, must be as tough as well. Can’t wait to read your novel!!

By: Ann Hedreen Wed, 24 Sep 2014 03:16:56 +0000 As a fellow She Writes Press author, I find this business about Poets & Writers super-annoying. This In vs. Out business is changing so rapidly. Anne, you have accomplished so much as a writer and I feel confident that your patience and talent WILL be rewarded!

By: Kate Foster Tue, 23 Sep 2014 22:46:55 +0000 Thanks for sharing your story, Anne. My own road to publication has been wobbly to say the least, although certainly not as long as yours! Setbacks, bad luck, bad contracts, you name it. At times, I wished I’d given up or at least never started submitting work in the first place, but I’ve learnt so much, and met many wonderful writers and supporters along the way. To have someone believe in you and your work is an amazing feeling and unbeatable. I wish you all the best with your book and future writing career!
