Tag: thrillers

Of Fathers and Daughters: The Thriller as Tragic Love Story
I adored my father when I was growing up. I was a natural tomboy, my father’s shadow. I was the middle of three girls, and my father called me “Sam”—short for “Samuel,” and not “Samantha”—and I was more than happy to become his only “son.” My father taught me how to hammer a nail and […]

Historical Elements of Writing
I can see a cohesive thread appearing in my work, a pattern, if you will. Locations, upon which I wrote a recent post for Women Writers, was always clear, but the historical element is a part of my writing that crept up. A surprise even to me, the author. I can at least pinpoint where […]

Girls and Trains: How a Title can impact on Sales
When I wrote my second psychological thriller, it was originally called Dead in her Tracks. My agent at the time, decided it would benefit from a better title and we settled on Girl on a Train. Now, to many of you, that might sound familiar – or does it? At least a year after my […]

The Inspiration behind Burnt Paper Sky
It took me many years to get around to writing my novel. Years of dabbling with one idea or another, and never really taking my ambition seriously. Years of letting life get in the way. So by the time I wrote that first sentence, I was in my early forties, I’d lived quite a lot, […]
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