Tag: crime writers

Chasing the Muse
Writers are often asked where they find their inspiration. ‘How on earth did you come up with that idea? I wouldn’t know where to start!’ For me, the ideas don’t flow until I begin writing, one thought then leading to another. I don’t know everything before I start, how could I? And would I still […]

Connecting With Writers In The Real World
Why joining a writing group is so important.. When I originally had the dream of becoming a writer it was back in the days when you could hide away in your garret with your typewriter, go under a clever pseudonym, and no one need ever know! These days the life of a writer is very […]

My Eight Book Deal
I can honestly say that I spent the first fifteen to twenty years of my writing life constructing stories that burned inside me but using characters I thought publishers and agents would like. Over the years the majority of rejections stated ‘we liked it but we just didn’t love it’. This comment caused me to […]

The Crime Writer’s Choices
I really want to write crime fiction. I can’t help it. It may be an over-crowded field but I want to join the crowd and see what I can do. It may be a risk, but at my time of life you don’t hang around, so I’m going to give it a go. Or at […]

Women Vs Thrillers
All writers need inspiration. For me, it’s the “what if” scenario: What if your neighbour turns out to be a serial killer? What if the supermarket at the end of your street is a cover for an international drugs cartel? What if the old man who owns the second-hand bookshop is actually a ghost? It’s […]
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