Comments on: Leading a Double Life as Author and Mother Tue, 27 Dec 2011 21:38:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: Yamina Collins Tue, 06 Sep 2011 01:16:08 +0000 You know, writing is a wonderful thing, but it’s not THE most important thing in a writer’s life. Ahem, let me correct that: I hope it isn’t THE most important thing in a writers life, because life is just so much bigger than writing. Though as writers, I hope we can find a way to really enjoy our professions.

I am glad that you have found a way to balance motherhood and your career. And boy, are you correct about a writer’s life not being glamorous (unless, I don’t know, you’re Stephanie Meyers or something), and about the balancing act all women have to do, regardless of kids or careers.

Anyway, congratulations on your kids and your “prominent” successes.

By: Tamsen Butler Thu, 01 Sep 2011 17:32:41 +0000 In reply to Just Andy.

Thanks, “JustAndy.” I’m throwing some confetti your way. 🙂

By: Just Andy Thu, 01 Sep 2011 01:57:25 +0000 Tam, you were on the radio before you were a “prominent author” but back then your life was much less complicated. At that time, instead of unruly offspring, you had to tame a bunch of (not-so)grown-ups and mold them into stars of the stage. Was she a success? If only Tam had written that book down to inspire directors and producers worldwide, we would all know the answer. But I’ll clue the rest of you in on the ending to that story, there were flowers and tears of joy at the end of that production and they weren’t tears of “Thank God that’s over!” I’m grateful for all the women I know, especially my wife because I know that, among other things, I am one of the many things they balance with everything else. 🙂

By: Jo Carroll Wed, 31 Aug 2011 08:12:52 +0000 No so different from the multiple personalities most women need to survive? Generally keeping the show on the road needs us to spend so much of our time juggling other people’s needs and feelings. I worked in Child Protection for many years, which could also dump on me at inopportune moments. Mostly I find this juggling energising – it’s exciting, keeping all the balls in the air. But, drop one and it feels as if everything will come crashing down.

By: Tamsen Butler Wed, 31 Aug 2011 01:55:48 +0000 Bonus Fun Fact: My 7 year old daughter took my profile picture.

By: Ranae Rose Tue, 30 Aug 2011 19:24:38 +0000 I can definitely relate to this! I’m the mother of a 2 year old, so I don’t even have school hours to keep to myself. Somehow (I’m not exactly sure how) I manage to actually write between the constant demands of caring for a toddler 24/7. One minute I’m penning an eyebrow-scorching love scene, and then… Potty training. Oh yeah. I’m living one glamourous life as a romance writer! LOL
