Comments on: Writing in the Culinary Landscape of the Galilee Sun, 11 Jan 2015 19:37:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Abbie Rosner Sun, 11 Jan 2015 19:37:26 +0000 In reply to Julie Eden.

Thanks Julie for your comments. You are right about the lack of photos – it was in fact an economic decision. The plan for the next book is to include beautiful images.
An interesting observation about the Smithsonian – I did indeed grow up in DC and I suppose that it was our local custom to call it the Smithsonian Institute – a name that sounded suitably distinguished rolling off my tongue at a very young age. Funny where our blind spots originate…
Thanks again for taking the time to write.

By: Julie Eden Sat, 10 Jan 2015 20:09:51 +0000 I am enjoying your book, Breaking Bread in the Galilee. I spent time in the 60s at Gesher Haziv and so am familiar in a way with the area. Wondering why no photos of the area and the food. It would have added a lot to the book. Maybe cost too much??
Also, I noticed early in the book, and again on page 163, you refer to the Smithsonian Institute. It is of course the Smithsonian Institution. Usually the use of Institute shows someone not familiar with the areas but you are from Washington, DC…so the error should not have been made or caught by a copy editor…
Not even sure you’ll see this as the other comments are dated but had no other way to reach you. Hopefully if the book is published in a second edition, you can correct the error.

By: Featuring Women Writers on WWWB 2013 - Women Writers, Women Books Tue, 31 Dec 2013 14:29:48 +0000 […] – Aine Greaney Writing as Escape: Bittersweet Heartache and Cancer – Temeka Williams Writing in the Culinary Landscape of the Galilee – Abbie Rosner Guests – Jasminka Griffin Loving the Alien – Helen Grant […]

By: Abbie Rosner Wed, 12 Jun 2013 09:34:07 +0000 Thanks Miriam – The Jewish and Arab worlds have been intertwined for centuries. There is so much to learn and share from each other, if we are open…

By: Miriam Halahmy Sun, 09 Jun 2013 10:31:35 +0000 A lovely post Abbie and so interesting to hear how ordinary local people in Israel,from all background, inspired your interest in local food. My husband comes from the Iraqi Jewish community ( I am a London born Jew) and so for the last 35 years I have had the chance to learn an entirely new cuisine deeply influenced by interface between the Arab world and the Jewish world. Good luck with your book and your writing!
