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Category: Women Writers Across Cultures

Droits des femmes en Afrique: progrès, statu quo ou recul?
To view this article in English, click here. Au moment où l’Afrique célèbre la Journée internationale de la femme africaine, il nous paraît essentiel de mettre en évidence des points essentiels concernant l’émancipation féminine dans cette région du monde. Rappelons en passant que cette commémoration fut instituée, le 31 juillet 1962, à l’initiative de deux […]

On Reading Jamaica Kincaid
Reading changes lives. It changes the way we view the world. It changes how we view ourselves. I was first introduced to Kincaid’s writing as an undergraduate when I was assigned a reading of My Garden [Book], a contemplative and intimate discussion on the relationship between gardener and garden. Within the first few pages of […]

Women Writers in the Republic of Congo
The Republic of Congo is the most populous Francophone country, ranking even higher than France in population. However, the appearance of French literature is a fairly recent development, with one of the first French works being published in 1954. Congolese women writers did not begin publishing written works until the late 1960s or early 1970s […]

Journey of a Lifetime: Becoming a Writer
When did I decide to become a writer in this world of many? Am I a writer, or a teacher, or both? Looking back, it was meant to be. Born in a small town in Austria, I always felt displaced. From early childhood, I remember being the “different kid” that stood out. Not in a […]

Women Writers in Ivory Coast
Although the French language has been present in Ivory Coast as far back as the 1880s, the first real piece of French literature by an Ivorian writer was not published until 1936. For nearly forty years, the literary scene was dominated by male writers. The year 1975 marked the introduction of women’s writing in the country, […]

Challenging Typecasting as an Author
“You’ve co-written a YA novel about transitioning gender! But I thought you only wrote nice children’s picture books like ‘There’s a Hippopotamus on Our Roof Eating Cake’?” I’m seen as a mainstream, Australian children’s author, especially as I’m now a grandmother. I have been typecast as a children’s picture book writer, and my regular readers […]

Why Multi-Genre Writing Rocks!
During the week of June 14-17, I was fortunate enough to win a scholarship to attend the Wesleyan Writers’ Conference. It is a program that offers the opportunity for people to meet fellow writers and learn from some of the best in the field, and I was ecstatic. But a dear friend, who is privy […]

Murder by Moonlight
My name is Sandra, and I am a professional killer. However, I don’t spend all of my time killing people; during the day I am a mother of three, a wife, a writer, a philanthropist, and even a part-time librarian at my son’s school. But when the sun goes down, I shed my daytime persona, […]
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