Category: Indian Women Writers

Nurturing a Writers’ Group
Writers are fragile. When rejection slips pile up one yearns for reassurance. A decade back I would feel delighted if someone from my family or a close friend volunteered to read my work. But, often after reading they would feel obliged to make some positive remarks or critical comments. These casual reactions are just that: […]

Discipline of Writing. Writing as a Discipline.
First, there is the discipline of writing. Writers have long touted the value of the discipline of writing. While the strategies and goals to accomplish this task vary, the primary advice is relatively consistent – write everyday. Some say its best to write for a fixed length of time, while others insist on a daily […]

Memoir: Agony and Relief
Narrating stories is as old as history itself. In writing about my childhood growing up in India, it’s mostly pain that I highlight: writing allows us to search the depths of our being – to excavate, sort, pile, discard, and heal. Writing a personal narrative comes with mixed emotions, an eclectic blend of agony and relief […]
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