Comments on: My Husband Doesn’t Read My Books: Ways to Support an Author Without Spending a Dime Wed, 16 Aug 2023 01:35:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lisa S Newman Wed, 16 Aug 2023 01:35:22 +0000 My husband is the same, and reading that I’m not alone makes me feel better. He’s not a big fan of fiction in general, which is what I write.

By: Jenn Fri, 07 May 2021 11:36:21 +0000 Ladies, it sounds like I’m not the only one who struggles with this. ‘The man I love and live with is so supportive of me, but he just won’t read my stuff.’

Guess what? Our value as authors and as human beings shouldn’t really be tied up to what the hubster thinks… and personally, I don’t do it because I think the audience will like it. I write because the words within me burst forth, unable to be contained. I don’t really expect him to come along on this wild and crazy journey every single step of the way… otherwise it would be HIS journey. <3

By: Susan Turi Sun, 02 Feb 2020 06:37:05 +0000 I recently sent a flash fiction piece that I wrote to my husband to read. It’s only 2 pages..a short sci fi story of 1000 words which I thought he would enjoy,as hes into sci-fi. One month later its still sits there unread. He has no explanation for why he hasnt read it. Instead he shows me Nova documentaries on Saturn and its moons(?) I dont know what to think.

By: Melissa Mon, 10 Sep 2018 13:26:59 +0000 My SO has not read a book I published a few months ago. We have been together 4 years. It’s an autobiography of my journey healing an incurable illness and childhood trauma. He said he would read it on the plane with a recent trip he took, but I guess he got into a Netflix show instead. I’m not sure what to think of this? Any advice appreciated.

By: Linda K. Sienkiewicz Thu, 20 Jul 2017 17:11:39 +0000 My husband is the same way. Support comes in so many forms, and I appreciate everything he does, from giving me space to write, encouraging me, taking care of the children (years ago) when I went to writers retreats and conferences, and when I was in the MFA program, going to book fairs with me, cheering me on, holding my hand, sharing my disappointments and joys. He’s set up book sales for charity at his workplace. He talks about what I do. He tells others I’m published. He may not be able to tell anyone a synopsis (I’m not sure if he even knows what that is!) but it’s clear he’s proud of my work.

By: What are you reading Wednesday – Rachel Watts Wed, 18 Jan 2017 07:09:55 +0000 […] read a great post by Lindsay Detwiler about ways in which her husband is her biggest supporter, though he doesn’t read her books. It […]

By: Top Picks Thursday! For Readers and Writers 07-28-2016 | The Author Chronicles Thu, 28 Jul 2016 17:01:45 +0000 […] Lindsay Detwiler shares the many ways to support an author without spending a dime. […]

By: My Husband Doesn’t Read My Books: Ways to Support an Author Without Spending a Dime | WordHarbour Tue, 19 Jul 2016 11:42:04 +0000 […] Lindsay Detwiler My Husband Doesn’t Read My Books: Ways to Support an Author Without Spending a Dime I glance […]
