Comments on: The Highs and Lows of Writing Thu, 01 Jan 2015 10:49:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: caroline sandon Thu, 01 Jan 2015 10:49:13 +0000 In reply to Deborah Canto.

Dear Deborah,

I have just read your post thank you. Firstly a Happy New Year.
Don’t be put off by your health issues. They are obviously part of who you are and any good agent would see beyond them. Yes some of the endless self promotion may be difficult but so much today is done on the internet. When Burnt Norton was published I had no idea where the road ahead would lead and I learnt quickly that so much is up to the individual, but with twitter and facebook and the huge variety of tools at our fingertips, you should be able to achieve a great deal. My children have just told me that actually I need to take my foot off the peddle. I think it is very easy to become obsessed with it all, but actually the joy is the writing so Deborah remember that and write.

By: Deborah Canto Sun, 14 Dec 2014 02:27:00 +0000 Thank you, Caroline, for writing this article. You are so fortunate to have two friends to share your experience of writing with, especially during the more discouraging times. I experience times when I wonder why I keep writing, not because I do not believe in myself as a writer, but because I have serious health problems. I feel an agent/publisher wouldn’t be interested in publishing my book if they knew I was ill and incapable of being able to promote my book publically (ie. book signings), so I keep my health matters to myself and figure I’ll worry about what I’ll do when the time comes. I don’t think art should be limited by health in this way, at the same time I know it’s a big investment for publishers, and they need the author to get out there and promote their book. Social media helps in marketing but from what I’ve read, it’s not enough and agents/publisher require you to be active outside of social media as well. I read lots of blogs from writers but wish someone would write about being a writer with health problems. I’d love to hear how other writers managed to get published while they’re living with debilitating health problems that limit them. It’s not knowing where I stand with this that makes me insecure about my future as a writer.

By: Rae Reeves Thu, 23 Oct 2014 08:20:23 +0000 Enjoyed reading this blog so much. I’m just at the begining of this journey, I’m in the process of writing my second novel: my first at this moment is being read by a selection of friends and so far most have loved it. But the self doubt and highs already have me biting my nails,going over the words trying to find the courage to send it off to the stranger that could end the turbulence or send me to a deeper pit. So reading all the comments have really helped me find the courage to open that door. Thank you.

By: Martha Conway Thu, 14 Aug 2014 17:53:37 +0000 Caroline, I love your description of shedding happy tears on a client’s new curtains! That is a great overall symbol for the theme of your post. LIke you, I also have had a hard time with negative reviews, even though I know that not all books are for everyone — nor should they be!

When I was younger I thought that once I got my book written all would be rosy … then I thought once I got an agent all would be rosy … then I thought once I found a publisher … well, you know the rest. Thanks for writing about this process, the highs as well as the lows. It helps me remember that the writing is the joyful part; all the rest is gravy.

By: caroline sandon Sun, 10 Aug 2014 23:35:44 +0000 In reply to Victoria Abbott-Fleming.

Dear Victoria, I am so sorry it sounds as if you have had a very difficult time. I am sure you will achieve something great because you obviously have a gift and your journey has not been easy. Passion, sadness, pain all these things add to your writing. I don’t think you can write without any life experience.

Good luck and I hope that you will let us know when you get that great letter or call to say you are to be published.

Very best wishes


By: Victoria Abbott-Fleming Sat, 09 Aug 2014 16:29:18 +0000 Hi! Loved your article on the good, bad, high and lows of your writing.

I know I can most certainly relate to what you have said, because in a way my roller coaster is the actual writing. What I mean is that my book is about me and my life which wouldn’t be I suppose too bad, however the main part it is the severe chronic pain condition that I suffer from after I had a in the outside a ‘simple’ accident at work, the subsequent extreme treatments, the ‘pigeon-holing’ of the National Health Service in the UK and above all the amputation of my leg- and all of these lows leading from that.

So… I seem to end up in floods of tears when I write about different incidents through the journey. But I know that when the book is finally finished, hopefully published and read by others then I will know and feel proud of what I have achieved not only going through the horrendous journey I’ve travelled with the condition and which it still goes on, but also the fact that I have achieved something great in my writing.

In short I believe all writers go through ups and downs, highs and lows whether they are writing an epic novel or a short story.

By: caroline sandon Wed, 16 Jul 2014 07:48:51 +0000 In reply to Kate Foster.

Thank you Kate, I have had a great response to this and its very comforting to know I am not alone. Only this week I was given an anecdote on the precarious moods of an author and the various stages of our neurosis by Siobhan Loftus. Unfortunately I didn’t write it down but it was hilarious. It’s so very true, one moment we are up and our novel is great, the next we believe the novel is rubbish, we are rubbish in fact why did we ever bother at all!!!

Very best and thank you


By: Kate Foster Tue, 15 Jul 2014 00:13:03 +0000 I really enjoyed reading this blog and, like many, can totally relate to Caroline’s words. It’s always reassuring to read how fellow writers, successful ones too, doubt themselves, what they’re doing and fall victim to low moments over nothing more than another person’s opinion. Thank you, Caroline, for sharing your feelings and insecurities. Makes me feel normal!

By: caroline sandon Thu, 26 Jun 2014 23:42:22 +0000 In reply to Diana Jackson.

Thank you Diana that is so kind. A very wise man told me at the weekend that I must take every day as it comes and not get so obsessed with numbers, after all I have a book on the shelves and should be content. There is a wee problem however, once you have one on the shelf you are desperate for the second book to be accepted and it is not a given! Oh Lord why do we put ourselves through it. Of course I know the answer. I love writing.

By: Diana Jackson Wed, 25 Jun 2014 13:08:39 +0000 I agree with you so much about the value of other supportive writers ~ ones who listen and really take an interest in a two way street. I started a writers’ group and that’s what it has been. So many different journeys – highs and lows. We bounce ideas off each other too and help each other to avoid pitfalls as well as share successes. Well done with your achievements.
