Comments on: Researching Burnt Norton Wed, 11 Jun 2014 23:49:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: The Highs and Lows of Writing - Women Writers, Women Books : Women Writers, Women Books Wed, 04 Jun 2014 08:06:54 +0000 […] Read Caroline’s post on the research involving Burnt Norton here […]

By: Featuring Women Writers on WWWB 2013 - Women Writers, Women Books Tue, 31 Dec 2013 13:51:58 +0000 […] – Cath Staincliffe How to Maximise Social Media Without Selling Out – Amrita Tripathi Researching Burnt Norton Caroline Sandon Creativity and the Writing Process – Claire Burge On mirror neurons and […]

By: Caroline Sandon Tue, 17 Dec 2013 00:33:11 +0000 In reply to Fran.

Thank you so very much for your kind comments. Yes, I have to say seeing it on the shelves for the first time was wonderful. All the work and the angst had finally paid off. My husband thought he could relax at last, but certainly not, the angst never stops. Will the paperback come out, will it sell? Fortunately the paper back is coming out in April so we can both heave a sigh of relief!
Your book sounds fascinating, I hope you will let me know when it is finished because it will be on my list immediately. My second book is like yours set in the war, but in England and Italy in the second world war, and I completely agree the more you research the more you learn and I absolutely love it.
A very happy Christmas and thank you.

By: Fran Mon, 16 Dec 2013 11:59:16 +0000 Congratulations on getting your book on the shelves Caroline! It is so much fun researching for a novel, not always plain sailing and most of what you find out may never make its way into the novel! I had a great time researching WWI for a short story to find out about the life of the West Indian soldiers.Now I’m delving into life in the part of west London I grew up in and an era slightly before I was born.It is easy to get caught up in all the information and spend too much time away from actually writing! I’ve only just managed to get down to the writing and am now 25,000 words into my second novel. Good luck with the new book.
