Tag: writing groups

The Novelistas – A Great Group of Writing Friends
The NW Novelistas (also known as Novelistas Ink) are a group of friends, who also happen to be writers, and meet each month for lunch, writerly gossip and mutual support. The group was founded over fifteen years ago by Sunday Times bestselling author Trisha Ashley, and as you can see from our latest books , […]

Are You a Real Writer?
When I was in my twenties, I considered myself a writer. After all, I’d been the editor of my college literary magazine, and had won several writing contests while in school. It didn’t matter to me that the only writing I’d done since graduation was in notebooks kept under the bed, or that it was […]

Is there a right way to write?
All writers tend to be nosey, fascinated by people; how they behave, how they do things and what makes them tick. I spend time in airports, stations and buses watching people slyly and, by the end of the journey, I have imagined an entire life and character for four or five of my fellow passengers. […]
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