Category: Women Writing Memoirs

How Courageous Are You?
Since publishing my own story a year ago, and gathering the stories of women who wished to share their truths in a collaborative anthology, I have been reminded just how difficult it can be to put our truths out into the world. Sharing our stories makes us vulnerable to criticism and judgment. Yet our life […]

Memoir Competition Mslexia
There are some amazing competitions for women writers! We didn’t want you to miss this one! Mslexia Women’s Memoir Competition is for full-length memoirs from unpublished memoirists. The only competition of its type in the UK, Mslexia is looking for memoirs of at least 50,000 words of prose that narrate actual events in the writer’s […]

An American Bride in Kabul by Phyllis Chesler
An American Bride in Kabul by Phyllis Chesler We’re excited to bring you another book – this one by the noted feminist and author of Women and Madness, Phyllis Chesler. “The dramatic, riveting, and timely tale of how one woman’s harrowing ordeal in a harem in Afghanistan shaped her into a modern feminist leader […]

My Big Fake Immigrant Memoir
Let’s face it, the American immigration story has been done to death. It’s the “been-there-wrote-that” tale. So would someone please tell why I’m sitting here writing a book-length memoir about leaving my native Ireland, at age 24, to come alone to live in America? While I’m penning my woman’s immigrant story, the very same story is being played […]

Losing the Artist, Saving Her Art (Part 2)
Continued from Losing the Artist, Saving her Art Part 1. Eugenia’s physicians finally allowed her to travel with considerable misgivings, as she was 84 and had a metallic heart valve. Transatlantic travel is stressful one way or the other, but there was no holding her back. She wanted to experience the place that her daughter had loved […]
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