Tag: twitter

10 Ways To Kick Start Your Writing
Joanne Harris, @Joannechocolat, is one of our favorite authors on twitter. If you do not follow her yet, you should! 1. If you’re at a creative loose end, read. If you’re not at a loose end, read. Basically, read. #TenWaysToKickstartYourWriting — Joanne Harris (@Joannechocolat) November 28, 2015 2. Leave your reading comfort zone. Read […]

How important is smell in your writing?
How important is smell in your writing? — Women Writers (@WomenWriters) August 16, 2014 @WomenWriters I use scent for various visceral things in my writing. Scent and taste bring the reader into the character's immediate world — AK Anderson (@A_K_Anderson) August 16, 2014 @WomenWriters Smell is a key sense we must describe in our writing. […]

How do stories come to you?
We asked on Twitter, you answered! How do stories come to you? Do you visualise them or do you actually hear the words? — Women Writers (@WomenWriters) July 28, 2014 @WomenWriters like movies playing scene by scene, sometimes just a line or two, or a location, a name or a feeling in my gut #amwriting […]

Misunderstood Words
We asked you on twitter about Misunderstood Words…We picked some of the best answers! https://twitter.com/EileenDGonzalez/status/386591333235695616 @WomenWriters I got one: @EmmaSamms1 and I agree – "enervate" sounds exactly opposite of what it actually means. A misleading, sneaky word. — Angela Rynan Durrell (@Rowaenthe) October 5, 2013 https://twitter.com/hannahbrockbank/status/386601081767464960 @WomenWriters i was still at school + thought Good […]
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