Comments on: Sculpting a Memoir Mon, 10 Oct 2016 06:25:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: beryl kingston Mon, 10 Oct 2016 06:25:34 +0000 It’s a very fine line between self obsessed musings, which like Aunt Mabel’s memories have little interest to others and an account of a life which is genuinely interesting and has something to say which could help other people. I spent over thirty years writing novels before I dared to offer a memoir and then I put it on Kindle myself because I didn’t think any publisher would touch it. I was surprised and touched by the responses I got. Particular thanks to our Mary Latela.

By: Mary E Latela Fri, 29 Apr 2016 20:02:21 +0000 “I look around the circular table, blanketed in linen, at each of us who have spent Thanksgiving here every year. Aunt Mabel is a dear, but she has forgotten so much, which may be a blessing, as she smiles at the others and chats quietly with the little girl to her right, not quite sure of her name, but so like someone else she once knew. The prosperous millennials like Billy are planning their lives – a wedding, a move across country. I wonder how I have changed – newly divorced and still drawn to the past.”
Destiny, I love this column and had to add my belief that respecting the past and the people of the past, is part of the continuing story of family, of strong memoir. Best wishes, Mary Latela

By: Sculpting a Memoir | WordHarbour Sun, 20 Dec 2015 11:23:58 +0000 […] Destiny Allison Memoir writers have huge egos. We actually believe that something we did is important to others. We […]
