Comments on: Writer and Mother: How Children Can Help (and Not Hinder) the Creative Process Fri, 22 Jan 2016 05:13:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rebecca Stonehill Fri, 22 Jan 2016 05:13:03 +0000 In reply to Joyce.

Thanks so much for the comment Joyce! Yes it really is tough going when your kids are that little – but we have to capitalise on those moments of inspiration, just as you are doing, whether it’s at 10pm or 3am!! And remember that this time will pass and you will once again have more time to write (at normal hours) – my three are now 9,7 & 5 and it does all feel so much more manageable now as they are more independent and reasonable sleepers. Best of luck with it all! 🙂

By: Rebecca Stonehill Fri, 22 Jan 2016 05:09:37 +0000 In reply to Leah Ferguson.

Hi Leah! Sorry I seemed to miss your comment from back last August! So pleased this article resonated with you – how is your 2 year old (probably 3 by now?) doing now at night on the sleep front?? Good luck with all the writing, it sounds like you are doing brilliantly 🙂 x

By: Joyce Thu, 21 Jan 2016 19:11:23 +0000 Great article Rebecca. I have 2 kids. One is 5 mths!! But I got a flash of inspiration at 10pm the other night and wrote 1500 words!! A miracle!! Let me know if you have any more tips on saving time to write. x

By: Leah Ferguson Fri, 28 Aug 2015 20:20:28 +0000 Love this, Rebecca! Especially since I can identify with so much of what you say–yes, the time is way more difficult to find now (I have three young ones of my own, and my 2-year-old absolutely refuses to sleep at night, which is so not what I was expecting at this stage of the game!), but gosh, there’s so much to draw from–the inspiration, the heart–and quite honestly, just that feeling of being a role model who chases my own dreams so that they one day will chase theirs. Keep at it, writer-mama! We’re right there with you.

By: Rebecca Stonehill Fri, 16 Jan 2015 05:28:50 +0000 In reply to Brenna.

Thanks Brenna, Yes I know exactly what you mean, we must seize the day (and those moments!) so much more intensely once we have little people in our lives 🙂

By: Brenna Thu, 15 Jan 2015 16:18:49 +0000 Yes to all this! Wonderful post. I’ve written more since having two children, because in order to get anything done, I have to really honor the precious writing time I do have.

By: The mother who finds time to write | Bobbin About Wed, 22 Oct 2014 08:20:56 +0000 […] Any parent who is also a writer knows there is no time to waste when opportunity strikes to pen some words. In many ways writing becomes easier and more focused. Where hours used to move time, now it’s every minute that counts. I identify with this piece by Rebecca Stonehill about motherhood inspiring creativity in writing: Writer and Mother: How Children Can Help (and Not Hinder) the Creative Process. […]

By: Rebecca Stonehill Tue, 23 Sep 2014 08:06:18 +0000 In reply to Size15Stylist.

Hi there, good to hear from you and I’m glad the article resonated. Do you also write whilst your daughter’s asleep eg during a naptime or at night? I always found it really tricky to write if my kids were actually around, at least to get any decent writing done, but then again – whatever works! So if you find whilst your daughter is watching a film is a good time for you to get on with things, they you have to go with that. The most important thing is that you fit it in somehow, anyhow. As you say, it’s so important for regaining our identity as writers and not just mother’s. Best of luck with it 🙂

By: Size15Stylist Sun, 21 Sep 2014 15:30:45 +0000 What a great post! I also found it difficult to write when my daughter came along almost three years ago, such was massive impact she had on my life. I remember sitting at my laptop, creating fiction that wasn’t fit for reading, but knowing I had to do it, to regain control of my identity.

Now I’m learning the tricks of being able to entertain her while I write on my laptop, usually from the sofa while she’s watching a film (stimulating her imagination?) … do you have any tips?

By: Ceejae Devine Sun, 13 Apr 2014 04:45:56 +0000 In reply to Rebecca Stonehill.

One of the pivotal stories in my memoir has a number of poems that I am hoping to get permission to reprint and I think I will have a better chance of getting those if I have representation. I feel like my story is unique enough that someone will take it on, but I am rethinking the query, trying to more clearly state the reason I think it needs to be published.

Three friends are currently reading it and one of the agents asked, as one of the items she wanted to see in a query, “What do readers say about it?” So I am on hold for a little bit to see what I get and will go from there. (Now thinking that’s a nice thing to include on all of them.)

Your Magic Pencil project sounds wonderful! I am impressed with anyone who can take on the kind of adventure you are on! Jealous in some ways because it’s so different, but my life continues to provide experiences that are amazing and beautiful in their own way!

Good luck with your books and continuing adventure!

Take care,
