Comments on: Memoir as Soul Work Wed, 16 May 2012 20:00:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mia Caruso Wed, 29 Jun 2011 10:49:28 +0000 In reply to Nancy Wait.

Hi Nancy,

I would love to be on your blog talk radio show. Let me know what the next step is for me to participate. It’s exciting!

Thank you so much!

Love and Soul Magic,

By: Nancy Wait Wed, 29 Jun 2011 01:52:08 +0000 In reply to Mia Caruso.

Thank you Mia ~ I appreciate what you’re saying about the importance of sharing the story of our own personal transformation! I have been actively engaged in sharing my own on blog talk radio and inviting others to do the same.
Would you have any interest in reading something aloud?
Our next Read Your Story Aloud day is July 26th –

Please be in touch if you’re interested. I would love to hear your ‘voice’!

By: Nancy Wait Wed, 29 Jun 2011 01:25:51 +0000 In reply to Musa Askari.

Musa, Thank you for your thoughtful reply. Becoming the observer indeed. It’s the only way to develop emotional detachment and not be ruled by the emotions. I did, however,run into some comments from other writers at grad school saying that they wanted to know more about how I was feeling. I was accused of writing my experience as if I was a journalist reporting events. Yet sometimes we do need to have that distance in order to go back into our lives, especially when events have been painful. Writing is such a beneficial exercise, whether we intend to publish or not. It allows us to ‘know ourselves’ on a more objective level. For me it was also a way to finally feel compassion for my younger self as I lay out all the fact — finally without judgment!

By: The Journey of Soul Transformation Fri, 03 Jun 2011 15:57:48 +0000 […] To read Nancy Wait’s full article, Memoir as Soul Work, visit    […]

By: Musa Askari Tue, 31 May 2011 19:10:58 +0000 Nancy,
You write so clearly and beautifully. It is an easy, light, effortless and yet very deep read. So many wonderful analogies that spark off the imagination of the reader. I felt reading your post, it reminded me, that to truly observe our lives time moves in both the directions from whereever we stand upon that line (moment) in time. We are looking in both the directions ahead and behind us while also being in another “time” called “now” – almost above time. “Now” for me is outside of time whilst being in it. It is a foot in both the worlds, of embodiment and bodiless. Also to observe our lives it reminded me one must perhaps learn to stand back & apart from one’s life. To become an observer of it. To reach for some objective understanding, as like when a friend asks us for advice on their life. As Souls one can reach foor this through many lifetimes. Lived or yet to live. For the soul’s memory is the true reservior of all that we have been and may perhaps come to be. Perhaps the act of writing is a mixture of creating, enacting, reliving and most importantly “remembering”. Thanks for sharing.

By: Mia Caruso Mon, 30 May 2011 23:22:46 +0000 Hello Nancy,

First, I would like to thank you for this beautifully written article.

I could not agree more, sorting out our experience is, in fact, Soul work. And,there are many of us now, those who seek to live from the Soul, who are taking this delving into memoir, this journey into the depths of our life’s experiences, in order to transform. In order to find the meaning and the treasures that living our life has brought us. And, each time we come to understand a piece, and shift it, we make a little more room for the light in us, our true self, our Soul, to shine through us. I believe there is no greater story that each one of us can tell, than the story of our own personal transformation.

Love and Light,

