Comments on: Writing with Children: A Day in the Life of a Writer Mom Fri, 09 Mar 2012 22:24:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Writing with Children: A Day in the Life of a Writer Mom : Women Writers, Women Books | | The Writing WenchThe Writing Wench Fri, 09 Mar 2012 22:24:10 +0000 […] with Children: A Day in the Life of a Writer Mom # thank goodness for school???Via Share this:EmailPrintFacebookStumbleUponRedditDiggRelated […]

By: Jo Furniss Fri, 10 Feb 2012 08:27:59 +0000 For me, it’s not so hard finding the time to write (evenings and weekends, as I’m just not an early bird) but I do miss time to think. I seem to have loads of half-finished blogs and stories, which I’ve abandoned because I haven’t had a chance to think them through to completion. I think with a ‘normal’ job, there are spaces in the day to think – on the bus to work, in the lunch hour, even on the loo!

By: Reason vs. Heart: Still Tugging : Women Writers, Women Books Mon, 16 Jan 2012 00:21:34 +0000 […] Clare Kirkpatrick Writing with Children: A Day in the Life of a Writing Mom […]

By: Michelle O'Neil Thu, 12 Jan 2012 04:22:35 +0000 How sweet that your husband tidies the kitchen and brings you toast! As you point out, a supportive spouse is definitely key for juggling motherhood/homeschooling and writing.

By: sarah Fri, 06 Jan 2012 10:36:19 +0000 I’m impressed. I’m a writer and homeschooling mother to one child. When she was little, I made her my priority over writing. I felt she needed me more than I needed to write. Now she is older, I have loads of extended time to write while she does her own thing. I have learned though to not immerse myself too deeply in my written worlds – to always be available for Important Interruptions (like, can we walk the dog, watch this tv show together, just chat.) I can’t imagine what that would be like with FOUR. I am amazed that you can achieve anything! I’d be interested to know what your housework schedule looks like 😉

By: Jo Hart Fri, 06 Jan 2012 07:42:18 +0000 You’re so lucky to have a husband who can help you out. Mine leaves for work at 4.30 in the morning and often doesn’t get in until after the kids are already in bed. On the positive side, my kids go to bed early, usually around 7/7.30, so I get some writing time of an evening. The flipside is they also get up early, around 6/6.30 and I just can’t bring myself to get up earlier than that to write.

I wholeheartedly agree with your tip on getting used to writing in short bursts–it’s the only way to get writing done when you have kids at home. Kids’ shows in the morning before breakfast are another way I fit in some writing time, too.

It’s a juggling act, but it can be done.

By: Abi Burlingham Fri, 04 Nov 2011 19:53:38 +0000 You reckon you’re not a supermum – well if you’re not, Clare, you’re about as close as anyone can get. It is hard to juggle isn’t it? I have two children, both at school, and still find there aren’t enough hours in the day to do as much writing as I’d like. Hats off to you, you’re an amazing example of what hard work and dedication can do.

By: Elle Amberley Fri, 24 Jun 2011 14:20:26 +0000 Smile:) I write and homeschool too, and yes, it’s possible. A juggling act, but we get there.
I love having my children at home, I can’t imagine doing otherwise.
So interesting what you said, both my children 6 and 11 love writing, and reading.
My eldest might even get published later this year.
Hope you get to carve a bit of ‘me’ time.

By: Claire King Tue, 14 Jun 2011 13:40:30 +0000 What an excellent post! You sound so amazingly organised. Like Nettie, I have no idea how you manage it. After 5 years of having the children home with me full time, the relief these days when they are at school and I can at least have small quantity of ‘no interruptions and not completely knackered’ time is immense.

I so agree with your last sentence. “And there’s another advantage to showing your children that writing is important to you: that they start to feel writing is important to them too, and reading and that, in my opinion, is one of the most incredible gifts we can give our children.”

Hear hear!

PS I love the pictures of you and your children.

By: Nettie Thomson Tue, 14 Jun 2011 13:28:58 +0000 Great post, Clare. I have no idea how you manage it but I take my hat off to you. I have problems managing the poodles, never mind 4 young children! Well done.
