Tag: Irish women writers

Recommended Reading: Not Your Mammy’s Books
Despite so much that’s terrible these days it’s a wonderful time to be a writer and a reader. Amidst growing attacks on the truth, and the maniacal scapegoating of fake news, there’s burgeoning honesty, bravery, inclusion, and revolution in fiction, and in particular Irish women’s fiction. Irish literature—once dominated by men, suppressive norms, and scenes […]

Diving Into the Silence: Writing Inspired by Real Life
My novel, The Herbalist, is set within living memory (1939) – and is based on a real-life court case I came across when I was nineteen. I was archiving yellowed local broadsheets crammed with small print when I noticed a tiny article. It referred to an Indian Herbalist who was arrested for an ‘offence against a […]

Favorite Women Authors: Tracing Our Feminine Literary Influences
I have been writing for as long as I can remember. But it’s only lately that I’ve realised how much my writing has been influenced by the great women of literature who have gone before me. Growing up my favourite authors were women – Enid Blyton and Jenny Oldfield – and their characters still mean […]
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