Comments on: Why Writing Is Important to Me Sun, 01 Jan 2012 17:47:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Janice Fri, 28 Oct 2011 13:20:32 +0000 I really love this post. And I agree with some of the other comments. I believe all of us are either writers or we’re not, though anyone could argue that everyone is a writer in some shape or form. It is a special journey, the one you go on figuring yourself out.

Moleskine notebooks are a savior for me. I used to “journal” as a teen, though I use that term lightly because it was mostly covering gossip in math class and the freckles of my then-crush-not-fiance. I quit for a while and tried blogging, but my topics were so broad it fell apart like sand. A year ago, with a Christmas gift card to Barnes & Noble, I purchased a large set of three Moleskine notebooks. The first was for writing elements. Ideas. Images. Plot run-throughs. Character sketches. The beginnings of flash fictions. The second started out to be the notebook for my novel, though I abandoned it shortly after during a reread of the plot. The third, however, has been sitting empty on my shelf for almost a year. Until I picked it up in September. And you are so right, the first page is daunting. So I put a date on it and started writing. About anything. Everything. It ended up being a social commentary about my mother’s traditional values and stemmed into my own fears and insecurities. It was fantastic!

Journaling/writing freehand can really set you free! I encourage you to not only try your hand at novel-length stories, but try some shorter pieces as well. Flash fiction. Experimental work. They’re great mediums and journaling and stream-of-consciousness really helps with them. Great post 🙂

By: Shelby Anderson Wed, 26 Oct 2011 06:04:49 +0000 …it curious because it is that we are either writers are we are not. And you are. I was on a train over 10 years ago and happened upon a journalist and we struck up a great conversation. In the end she was chastising me for not being the writer I was inside. She said she could see it; and that any writer could have picked up on it. I walked a way with a smile that day, knowing that we writers can not hold back the sea of what is inside begging to come out. Enjoy the gift.

By: Jo Carroll Thu, 15 Sep 2011 07:49:49 +0000 You have the best possible reason to write. You will have blank page days, because that’s life. But then you can climb Robinswell Hill (I know it well – I’m in Wiltshire) and find inspiration there.

By: Deborah Rickard Fri, 02 Sep 2011 19:42:41 +0000 Love your comment on why writing is important to you – because you enjoy it and it’s good for you. My feelings exactly! x

By: Clare Kirkpatrick Fri, 02 Sep 2011 19:32:21 +0000 In reply to Nettie.

Thank you, Nettie x

By: Nettie Fri, 02 Sep 2011 18:50:31 +0000 I’m glad you had your Eureka! moment and are now writing regularly. It’s what keeps us sane, I believe.
