Author Archive: Amulya Malladi

This may be a cliché, but clichés come from somewhere…usually reality. A male individual contributor was promoted to manager, even though he wasn’t entirely ready for the position. Let’s call him Scott. Scott is being promoted because the hiring manager believes he has potential. Remember, “men are often promoted based on their potential to be […]

How Writing Stories Made Me A Better Corporate Leader
HOW WRITING STORIES MADE ME A BETTER CORPORATE LEADER When business influencers talk about the top five qualities of a good leader, emotional intelligence (EQ) will be on almost everyone’s list. I think EQ is important, don’t get me wrong, but storytelling is a vital skill that hardly anyone mentions. The one thing I learned […]

How Writing a Book Taught Me the Pleasures of Cooking
For the first 27 years of my life I didn’t cook much. Once I got married, Søren, my husband, did most of the cooking at home. I could follow a recipe if I needed to, but I couldn’t just look in the fridge as my husband could and put a meal together. I was never […]
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