Comments on: Who Publishes Tales From the Edge? Sat, 04 Apr 2015 19:23:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mary Ellen Latela Sat, 04 Apr 2015 19:23:01 +0000 Dear Rhyaan:

I never stopped to think about this kind of “nationalism” spilling over into the writing “business,” but alas, when publishing is business first, quality writing second, then this kind of discrimination is not surprising. Governments should not decide what to publish; we’ve seen what happens when governments punish writers and others who disagree with them. You are indeed fortunate to have a great agent. Where do they train agents to be as open-minded and adventurous as the people they represent? Superb article. M. Latela

By: Kat Mon, 10 Feb 2014 19:24:56 +0000 Excellent article. Although the Canadian market (and publishing industry) is bigger, I’ve been advised more than once not to bother with American agents or publishers because they won’t publish Canadians. Meanwhile, published Canadian authors are up against American authors (with their relatively greater marketing and exposure behind them) on the bookshop shelves.

I keep wondering if there’s a way for all the smaller (non-USA, non-UK) English-speaking countries to get together and form their own virtual “region”. I remember with 80s indie music several bands were popular everywhere but in the US, just because they couldn’t get the exposure there.

By: Marialena Mon, 27 Jan 2014 20:31:44 +0000 Thank you Ryann for sharing this story. As Lori says, it is hard for us in large wealthy countries to imagine the challenges of publication in small countries, especially those struggling with post-colonial limitations. State funding of the arts- though not so much of publishing in general- is widespread in much of Europe, but the challenge to remain independent can only be overcome by transparency. Your story contributes to that transparency.

By: Lori Schafer Mon, 27 Jan 2014 16:26:40 +0000 Pretty amazing story. You really give new meaning to the concept of marginalized voices. Living here in the U.S. with its abundant (sometimes even overabundant) access to absolutely everything one might want in the arena of publishing, it’s easy to forget that this is not the case everywhere. I had not even imagined it how difficult it could be for residents of smaller, less populous regions to succeed in literature and related fields, or that their ability to do so might be hampered by government in a way that goes beyond censorship. What a world of difference the internet must make – it, at least, opens the door for writers like you to make their voices heard not only in their own countries, but all over the globe.
